I don't know yet. I like a couple of the things added, but the zombies are too much for me. Zombies were buggy enough, fast, and easy to kill, which I liked. If zombies stay like that, then I'd say add more zombies. But if we were to stick with the patch we have now, I'd say just make them a tiny bit weaker or a bit slower. I do want to change how zombies work, but in a reasonable way. In a way where people who don't know much about DayZ and dont know how to find a gun can kill zombies without thinking they can kill any zombie. Or just in a way where people who play DayZ can be scared and careful but not in a sense where it ruins gameplay. For example, after dying (for no reason), I spawned in Novo. It's clear there are not many zombies around. But then, as I exit a building, a zombie finds me. So Im trying to hit him with a pickaxe, but I cant kill him for three reasons. 1) Keeps going through my body and hitting me. 2) So fast that I cant even hit that much. 3) Takes too long. So Im trying to aim for the head but I keep getting hit. So after hitting me like 15 times, i finally kill it, but now my coat is ruined. Most stuff I find are already damaged, so now with these zombies, it makes it easier for stuff to just get ruined. This happened to me for a while, and I managed to survive since I had bandages. But those ran out. Another zombie comes for me and hits me until I start bleeding. i run away, and luckily, i found a way to kill it. I got in a house with a window, let it come at me, and then hit it in the head. But even then, I was still bleeding. I searched a couple of more houses until I was unconscious. Then I died. I dont really have anyone to play DayZ with except my one friend who is new and barely plays. I love DayZ (most of the times), but since almost everyone is a bandit now and everyone has a group, its hard for me to survive. So if my friend joins, see how it is impossible to kill zombies, and he dies? I probably wont have anyone to play DayZ with anymore. I don't mind all the other patches or updates, I just really want this to be fixed.