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About hekatoncheyr

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  1. hekatoncheyr

    "Feet Hurt" - Can't walk

    Or you could use morphine if you find any
  2. hekatoncheyr

    0.58 Exp: Accidental Banditry

    You volontarily engaged them in a firefight to get what you tought they had, before you even tried to talk to them... the important part here, is "volontarily"... making this anything but accidental. Impatient... maybe, unrewarding... certainly.
  3. hekatoncheyr

    ROOFTOP SNIPER - DayZ Standalone

    Patience, mother of all virtue!!!
  4. hekatoncheyr

    0.58 Exp: Accidental Banditry

    Nothing accidental about this... just pure and simple banditry
  5. hekatoncheyr

    Suicide repercussions...

    simple solution a timer of time of death after spawn Die within x minutes of spawning, from something other than zombie or player interaction, you get the same spawn. I would add to that - x = the time it takes from spawn to death from starvation if no food is found minus 1 minute - If no other player is within a certain distance from the body at the time of death, it auto hides
  6. In the current state of things, 1pp becoming mandatory, would mean I would start looking for another game. Don't get me wrong here. I like 1pp for: Firefights Looting Walking inside buildings But I can't stand 1PP for Melee fights (never liked 1pp for melee fighting) Long distance travels (gives me a nausea after a few minutes) Driving (the way it is actualy) I like the combo of 1PP/3PP because they both have there use, but I do agree that 3PP needs the retooling already in progress for the camera angle.
  7. hekatoncheyr

    The Forest and dugouts!

    Go visit the northern most military base (north of Severo) there are 3 bunkers/sewer you can go down into
  8. hekatoncheyr

    why is food so rare for me?

    The one advice you'll hear over and over but which is still good Get the F..k off the coast!!! the coast is picked clean on most if not all servers. Apple trees are your friends and red berries bushes.too.. the blue ones will make you sick... might be the other way arround for berries as I'm not too sure since I rarely pick them.
  9. hekatoncheyr

    Epic 500m plus Longhorn shot at a sprinting target!

    Im still trying to figure out where you cut the video from the moment you're running to the one you're standing and taking the shot by compairing with the original. You sir, have got some nice edditing skillz!!!
  10. hekatoncheyr

    Epic 500m plus Longhorn shot at a sprinting target!

    I stand corrected, you deserve my apologies for the accusations. Nice shot by the way btw... the full version is much more entertaining
  11. hekatoncheyr

    Epic 500m plus Longhorn shot at a sprinting target!

    hack much!!! the 500m shot I can live with, but running without being out of breath and taking a stable standing shot... yeah right!!
  12. hekatoncheyr

    Players turn into a zombie?

    Zombies spreading diseases/infections when they hit you hard enough to make you bleed... make sense. Most likely how they got infected in the first place. turning from player controled character to player contronled zombie... not making too much sense there since the point of the game is to survive. So if you turn into a Z, it means, you failed at surviving, so kinda failed the game. Now, player corpses turning into zombies, that would be fun.
  13. hekatoncheyr

    Persistence wipe for 0.56

    Persistance wipes happens every wednesdays... so not much of an issue there. Happened when .55 rolled in and when when they went back to the old loot system. Character wipe on the other hand... not an issue to me. I like starting fresh once in a while. Am I expecting one for .56? definatly... too many weapon changes coming. Mosin's losing the LRS. Ak's losing the PSO and getting a new one. All the characters with such weapons would be too much to deal with to be worth the time.
  14. Early in the .55 I got knocked out and one shot killed on many occasion by Zs, but I noticed that I wasn't wearing any form of head protectionat that time. It may not be linked but ever since I started wearing head protection like hard hat, skatter/bike helmet or any others that prevent getting knocked out, I havent been one shotted by a Z.
  15. hekatoncheyr

    Invisible Zombie

    I would think it's got more to do with desync then gone underground. Since my group and I once met such a zombie. Myself and 2 others were unable to see it but the other 2 could.