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Everything posted by vuzz1960

  1. vuzz1960

    0.54 Issues

    (sorry my broken english please) Yes and the Zombies are dificult in excess to be killed. I agree DayZ is a survival game and must be dificult to play,but like is now (0.55) is halfway for many people stop playing,i know you allready got the money,still you must take this into account. A zombie now even with a fire ax only be killed after almost 10 hits is annoying to say the least. We like to play also because one have a nice caracter in game,not to just count the minuts or hours you can keep it alive you know? Now like this imagine when hords of zombies came...who survive that and who will play a game where ou cant fire a shot with your great gun in hands because of the zombies by the hundreds will bring the noise? Dont try to much Devs,keep it simple and less desises one or 2 will do ...dam!! Thak you for reading me and sorry in advance for any inconvinient and for the many ungoogled mistakes a know i have made here ;)