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  1. I have the dll file I located it soon as it showed it, nothing has changed, i used it one day = fine, other day just didn't launch due to that screenshot I uploaded, i've done scans with premium AVAST, but did yours too and nothing still, done all FAQ on BE which corruption was one = nothing... Already connected BE and DayZ and as you see they obviously dont care as they just repeat themselves and its stuff i've already told them ive done.... I've googled it i've tried all the support and nothing is working i've done a restore which was inconvenient but still didn't work,.. im sure its to do with a update dayz did and it moved something of battleye's but i've tried reinstalling both it all just nothing.... just really want this fixed it's so annoying buying a game then getting shut out with now solutions or support :(
  2. PLEASE READ ALL: I had a problem all of a sudden a couple of weeks ago, after it being fine since day one alpha release and gaining over 100 hours on this game, anyway it wouldn't launch and i uploading screenshot and problem - http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/223268-help-blocked-loading-of-file-cwindowssyswow64d3dx9-41dll/#entry2243154 I had a dayz admin try and help but by only telling me what i've tired already "do a anti-mal, virus sweep" all the rest... didn't work "its battleye then" he said... so I tried ALL POSSIBLE BE FAQ! = nothing, i contacted BE and only to have a conversation that took like 5 days per reply for them to ask the same things to then just say basically list the BE faq which i tried already :/... so out of now getting impatient i have listed to BE and DayZ some of what I've tired... - Re-Installing DayZ - Re-Installing BE - Re-Installing DirectX - Verifying Cache (0 Errors Found) - Anti-Virus Full Sweep - Anti-Mal Full Sweep - Firewall Setup with DayZ - Allowing Full Access to the DLL File - Installing ALL Windows Optional Updates - Removing WIN Update (KB3004394) - Checked for Corruption - Manually Checked ALL files have stayed in the same place since first installing dayz (yes nothing has changed) - etc... I'm not listing anymore because my patients is starting to go, as i've been nice about it and done everything you have asked and i still cannot play the game and when i respond with "Sorry that hasn't worked" both sides just stop responding all together, i've tried loads and i have good qualifications in IT, so with any game i normally sort it out on my own, this is the first game i need SUPPORT for an issue and its just not happening. So as if ANYONE has had this problem PLEASE post your fixes, ill upload screenshot of problem, link to previous post and even paste BE Emails which was just so irritating. (btw please don't say if it goes and launches the game its fine i know but it doesn't launch) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Email 1 - Me HELP! - Blocked loading of file: "C:/Windows/sysWOW64/D3DX9_41.dll This is my problem with a screenshot on DayZ forums that they said they don't know and need to contact you - LINK to POST - http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/223268-help-blocked-loading-of-file-cwindowssyswow64d3dx9-41dll/#entry2243154 ------------------------------------------ Email 2 - BE Hi, Please carefully read our FAQ and try the solutions listed there: http://www.battleye.com/support/faq/. Regards, Bastian Suter BattlEye Innovations ------------------------------------------ Email 3 - Me Re: HELP! - Blocked loading of file: "C:/Windows/sysWOW64/D3DX9_41.dll Tried them all already, they asked me to contact you after trying them, I've done all scans for every problem and just want this fixed :( ------------------------------------------ Email 4 - BE Hi, You already tried to reinstall DirectX? (Me: keeping in mind this was on the FAQ/Forums that i said i tried) Regards, Bastian Suter BattlEye Innovations ------------------------------------------ Email 5 - ME - LAST EMAIL Re: HELP! - Blocked loading of file: "C:/Windows/sysWOW64/D3DX9_41.dll Yes I have, I have reinstalled everything apart from Windows, I've not had anything wrong since dayz was released and now it just won't move past this problem END OF CONVERSATION BEEN A WEEK AND NOTHING HEARD
  3. None of the above worked, i've tried REINSTALLING everything to do with dayz, i've tried ALL BATTLEYE methods, ALL POSSIBLE SCANS (mal, virus, defrag, sfs scan, updates EVERYTHING) and cannot get ANYTHING to work, not one google search and seems nobody has this problem :( so annoying to buy a game then not being able to play it :(
  4. It isn't malware or anything like that i checked all this first, I have good qualifications in IT and have many programs and do manual checks etc so ive tested this... trying all the options on battleye faq though now so hoping for the best now... thanks for your help and support though :
  5. BLURB Right got over 130 hours on this game love it, stopped for about a month come back to what I believe is the most annoying thing to come too, normally i'm good at fixing these, this time 0 idea, 0 google help, 0 forum help (yes tried reinstalling in everything from dayz, battleye to even direct x) PROBLEM On launching application i get this in a control panel box and then closes after 10 seconds exactly ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starting BattlEye Service... Launching game... [iNFO] Blocked loading of file: "C:/Windows/sysWOW64/D3DX9_41.dll". ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT I'VE TRIEDI have this file, and its never moved, i've restarted pc, reinstalled DayZ, BattlEye, DirectX Runtime, Verified Cache, Forum, Googled and found nothing... Someone please help me (might be simple but just want this fixed and never had any other problem with DayZ so far) :(