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About PaulChatterton

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. PaulChatterton

    Lack of Appropriate Servers

    I'm puzzled why this topic has been moved to the New Players thread. I'm not a new player, and it's not an issue that's limited to new players. I've been playing for months, on and off, and this is a problem that just cropped up this weekend.
  2. PaulChatterton

    Lack of Appropriate Servers

    That makes sense, but it's not really new. Until this weekend, there were plenty of UK servers running on IRL time, and then they suddenly all disappeared.
  3. PaulChatterton

    Lack of Appropriate Servers

    Thanks for the tip. It's not so much the location of the server that draws me to UK servers, but the language. If I come across another player, I don't kill on sight; I'd rather try to communicate, and the nationality of the server sets a reasonable expectation as to which language should be used for that communication, and I don't speak any language except English well enough for that.
  4. PaulChatterton

    Lack of Appropriate Servers

    There are three things I look for in a server. 1. It should be a stable branch 2. It should be a UK server 3. It should operate on real time, or close to real time, i.e. when it's 2315 IRL, it's 2315 in game. I'm not too worried if it's up to an hour out, but I don't want to be playing in daylight when it's night IRL. This used not to be a problem, but for some reason, all the stable UK servers on real time have disappeared in the last couple of days. I have been playing on Fragnet servers mostly, but my usual server now seems to have gone over to daytime only. Are UK servers on real time likely to come back?