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Everything posted by elgui

  1. elgui

    Stable Branch 0.61.136821

    It is not you, the Zetas are broken and dayz.exe crash many times in the most timely and so it is impossible to play.
  2. elgui

    Stable Branch 0.61.136960

    With the upgrade of 80mb now the Zetas become very bad (superheroes) with super speed and super strength and super hearing and super view, I like the difficulty but this is unreal and imposible completely. Lately Dayz.exe memory error and crashing and character sometimes appears with a black face without texture and last but not least, I think that should be optimized much more since there are still places of 30/40 fps
  3. elgui

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    - Error texture has not been charged. - The Zeta again through doors (can not lock them) and appear Velociraptors. - The performance is getting worse (now 10 fps in cities with amd FX [email protected] and 270x OC and DDR3 1600 8GB with antialising off and low/medium graphics (this is a shame). - The loot I like and seems to work better (when this stacked can not dragging away) - The Zeta with the rulings of above are better than before. - The timing and planing work remain unfulfilled. - The weapons and objects in the hands bugged and I can not get her out again until you restart again .
  4. elgui

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    -The Zombies still OP or is there another problem fatter behind (with a 0 desynchronization and 50/60 ping hit me as if it were a punching bag for 3 or 4 feet away) I find it impossible to kill without leave me ruined and also is very difficult because pierce lock the doors and walls (I think it is time to fix this bug and optimize famous netcode) -The Loot is very rare (sometimes I find some things but most servers are sometimes deserts and find nothing) military zones are meaningless if no loot appears in them Conclusion: I keep finding that the loot is not correct and that the netcode needs a good improvement and game performance is a disaster (with fx6300, 270x, 8GB DDR3 and SSD crucial 1600 MX100) going to 10/20 fps in many areas and 30/40 fps in areas with less load or "better optimized" and all this with shadows and disabled antialiasing and more things (hopefully not go 100 fps but at least not lose 40/60 fps) and the game is not playable for me.
  5. elgui

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Because you're the coach Bear Grylls
  6. elgui

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Well you should think seriously that means multiplayer game and everything else is secondary (this good you improve the AI of the zombies and animals and improve distribution of loot) but you can not say that the upgrade is fine because the zombies are ninja and are OP and the loot is broken completely pointless (I find nothing in helicrash and yet in a latrine fin ammuniton clips and military clothes and more) before it made sense to go to military bases to equip but now if they are empty the can remove the map not to mention the persistence...
  7. elgui

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Those who think that we need a arma3 should go to Deep Stranded what they really want (make your house and garden and go fishing) peace and love. Sims Z is approaching, yesterday i was playing all afternoon and all I got was ruining the superzombies clothing and boots to make miles and miles and finally die of thirst (super fun) irony on. PD: Dayz is that feeling of panic, nervousness and fear you feel when you are going to steal or will kill you and that has disappeared.
  8. elgui

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    I understand Improved AI and new models of zombies but this zombie ninja superheroes is a disaster is impossible to fight them. What good is a roadmap if not met then? I have the feeling that you are a novice group and nop are able to fix bugs and pull this off and just getting going nonsense but what really matters not arreglais (zombies through everything, horrible netcode and a painful performance) Sorry to be so hard and hope I'm wrong but that's what I think.
  9. elgui

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    +1 mismo rendimiento y incumplimiento de fechas como siempre