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About servebotfrank

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. servebotfrank

    Buying ARMA 2 for DayZ

    Don't buy Arma 2 for DayZ. The Standalone is coming out and next month and it would be much more worth it to wait until then. Trust me.
  2. servebotfrank

    Looking to start a group

    My skype name is Servebotfrank. Same in game as well.
  3. servebotfrank

    Casual DayZ Team Signup

    Servebotfrank for Skype. I like to say I'm pretty good at flying and am pretty decent at everything else. So get me if you want someone who's just all around good.
  4. Is there some information about the Teamspeak IP that's missing? I can't seem to join your server, I get a failed to connect message every time. I can join most other servers just fine though.
  5. Name: Frank Age: 16 Teamspeak name: Servebotfrank Mic: Yep. Reason for joining: Well I have been playing this game since the day the mod came out back in April. During the time I have played I have been a member of quite a few groups and enjoyed the time I spent in almost every one of them. Being apart of another seems like it would be pretty fun. Experience: I have had this game since April, I know my way around the map, I can fly, I still can't bring myself to be a bandit however. Bio: Yep, been playing since April, I've never been a bandit since I've started playing. I mostly just roam and pick up random bits of gear, occasionally heading into the high loot areas for gear, never sticking around for long as I usually get shot. I did once get a hold of a helicopter and was able to fly it very well though. In game Name: Servebotfrank.
  6. Name: Servebotfrank Age: 16 Skype: Servebotfrank Steam: Servebotfrank Gamertag: Counterazor (Probably shouldn't bother adding that one, I hardly get on there anyway) Why do you want to join: I do like being in a group, it's much more fun than being on my own and I've only been a few groups for short periods of time every since this mod came out. It's also makes the game much easier when you have someone watching your back. Games: Left 4 Dead 2, Team Fortress, Arma 2, DayZ, Counter Strike, Minecraft, Terraria, Civilization V, and The Ship. Country: United States Trades: I'm a pretty good pilot, I can scavenge, and negotiate. Hope to be able to join!
  7. servebotfrank

    Looking for people to play with

    I'm interested in forming a small group if you want.
  8. I sent a request on Skype. Hope there's still a few more spots left open. It's been awhile since I've been in a group in general and it was the most fun I had with Dayz.
  9. servebotfrank

    need for members for a little let's play

    Steam name: Servebotfrank In game name: Servebotfrank Experience: I have been playing off and on since the game first came out. I can navigate the map pretty well when I have my bearings and I can fly a helicopter too. Headset: I got a pretty basic microphone, it's nothing fancy but it sounds good and won't give anyone a headache. Teamspeak/ Skype: I have them both. Age: 16. Country: USA. Hope to play with ya soon.
  10. Oh, and I just sent a skype invite. Same name: Servebotfrank
  11. I've taken a bit of a break from Dayz. I'm pretty experienced and being a part of a group again sounds fun, I've been meaning to get another group together for a while.
  12. servebotfrank

    Opinions on releasing DayZ on console?

    Who gives a shit? I'll play on PC but this way people can play on Consoles this shouldn't be a problem with people and shouldn't be worth discussing. Y'know, since it doesn't affect us in the slightest.
  13. servebotfrank

    Why I host a non-hive server

    Why is it whenever there is someone making a level headed argument about Private hives you come in and essentially label them as entitled control freaks and dismiss their entire argument? You have done this in ever single argument I have seen you in and never even bother to address the other guy's points. Quit kissing the ass of the devs of this game it's all I ever see you do. "The strict definition of a server administrator is that he administrate, aka ensure that the system he is in charge of is running smoothly. He is entrusted with full power because his line of work may require them, but his role isn't to take decisions that affect the system, they are essentially the maintenance guy" This is not a good argument. Here's some personal experience for you from me. A some-what well known Youtube channel decided to make a Minecraft server after many fans asked for them to. They did, it was great for a while because the fans just discovered Minecraft and were able to meet because of similar interests. Then hacking became rampant. You could build a 4x4 room without a hacker destroying it. We whitelisted the server, hacking decreased exponentially and our moderators could ban any that managed to get whitelisted still. If we followed your advice the server would've been shut down a long time ago. Your logic is like if the Government would be to pass a law saying Shop owners can't kick asshole customers out of their store because the shop owners are just people running a store, nothing more. If that happened we would have so few stores because jerks would come in and steal shit because they can't be kicked out or anything. If they are kicked out then the store gets shut down because of one complaint. Hacking is too rampant and server admins have no control over a server that they paid for. You want to run a server and not do anything to administrate it, fine by us. Just don't try to make other people follow the same rules you set on yourself.
  14. servebotfrank

    DayZ_anim requires addon 'Warfare2_E'

    Bumping this topic. Can't anyone help?
  15. So recently I've been having this issue where I start up OA and I get an error message saying ,"DayZ_anim requires addon 'Warfare2_E'" Then when I try to join a match it kicks me off for a file called "Wheeled_pbo" not being a key accepted by a server. I've uninstalled both games. Reverted updates, uninstalled DayZ and it still gives me these messages. Help?