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About OperationZ3D

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. 100% recommend the server. Good bunch of guys and server is good bit to hang out on.
  2. So, Im a small time youtuber (Like 61 subs small) and Ive got a hair brain scheme that a much larger channel has the ability to do, but hey, why not? I want to do a DayZ series based off a "head Cam" perspective which would see us all the way across Chernarus in a 20-30 episode deal. This would be a long term project as that this is the first time I have attempted something of this scale (And the first person on this massive scale per my understanding) so patience is needed as we try to get it right. *NOTE: ROLEPLAY WILL BE VITAL TO THIS PROJECT, IF YOU CANT DO THAT THEN DONT APPLY!* Requirments: Roleplay attitude Patience 2-3 days a week to work on project Willing to sit and loot needed equipment (We have a plan for this) Just add me on steam to apply, Ill send you the Teamspeak IP so you can join in. Video explaining whole deal: https://youtu.be/xAmI5j8qOfY My Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198031385283