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Everything posted by Krell

  1. Krell

    The Water Bottle?

    +1 on the boiling idea, simply reduces your chance of catching an infection from potentially tainted water supplies to zero. Also +1 to being able to drink up at ponds or pumps (with the risk of infection in the ponds, of course).
  2. Hey all, First post here, but I've been lurking for a while. Every thread his forum always seems to be on the verge of degrading into a hardcore vs. casual vs. griefers thread. Let me get a few things clear: I'm really happy about DayZ. I bought ArmaII specifically for this mod, and in my eyes it's already paid for itself. I've had total buckets of fun. What I always note, however, is that people are very quick to flare up and react with "realism" and point fingers at people trying to "dumb down" the game. I'd like to pose a simple question to you guys: how many of you use online maps? Because, in my eyes, if you use any of the maps (interactive, static, scribbled on paper next to your desk) then any claim you have to realism is instantly discredited. I can't alt-tab out of life to see how to get to the station, but I see many many players who claim to "love the realism" and "love the difficulty" who also "love the alt-tab into a nicely formatted, detailed map". Bullshit. If you want the real realism in DayZ, don't use OL maps. If you use maps, fine; I have no problem with that. But if you use online maps, know that any hatred towards "carebears" is entirely unjustified and hypocritical. That's pretty much my observation-slash-question. Good work on the alpha, Rocket, and I'm hoping you can get a killer game out when everything is done.
  3. @weebmasta: The point of a troll thread is to cause large amounts of rage with very little effort. My post clearly took a few minutes to think and transcribe. Please think before you hit the [Post Reply] button.
  4. > make observation in general discussion > observations are generally intended to provoke further comments and discussions > said to be useless .... @Redz: I totally understand that there will be some players who avoid using online maps. I get that. But I find a lot of players that I know who tend to oscillate between "the game is supposed to be hardcore, don't complain" and "I'll get onto TS and use a map to get together with my friends".