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About hoog

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    I was just a young kid living in the small town of Stary sobor when the war started....

    Well now i have got bigger issues to worry about.
  1. hoog


    Well easy, say you have a box of panadol, there is a little foily strip which hold the actual tablets in a sanitary condition. A box of purification tablets should be able to hold about 3 strips of 12 tablets (simply by the size that the box looks ingame compaired to the size of a box of panadols in real life of very similiar size). Thus if you combine anything that results in under 36 tablets its perfectly logical and should be implemented.
  2. hoog

    Persistence Hunting

    I have seen survival shows on tv of africans persistence hunting and you do realise its a 16 hour ordeal right? In this game where your body is already strained from lack of food and having the mental stress of being in a zombie appocalypse it just wouldn't work. Also only a select few from a tribe is able to do it because they dedicate their whole lives to training for it. I would much rather see sneaking up to a "pig" for example and sticking it with a knife make it in.
  3. hoog

    Hand Held Backpacks.

    Well i am just guestimating that when barrels are implimented you should be able to carry a backpack which it roughly 1/4 or less the weight of it. Also i hope there comes a time when you can carry a certain amount of items in rolled up tents, maybe they can have about 30 slots or something around that area. But i hope backpacks come sooner rather than later.
  4. hoog

    Hand Held Backpacks.

    I was just wondering with the inventory matrix in build.56 whether us players will be able to carry a backpack in our hands. I dont know why we cant already like if it is a bug or you guys just havnt implemented it yet. We need this for carrying our loot sooner rather than later :P
  5. hoog

    Item Durability

    The fact of the matter is, if someone unloads a whole clip into your backpack for instance do you really think the contents will not be harmed in the slightest of ways? Think about it now ;)
  6. hoog

    Nametags + Reputation System Proof of concept

    I really dislike this idea.
  7. hoog

    Does DayZ need aeiral transport?

    helicopters ftw
  8. hoog

    Welcome to the city...

    Cities are for chumps, just stay up north.
  9. So its not set in the jurassic era than?
  10. hoog

    so much for the struggle

    want beans?
  11. I get on internet radio and tune into a place in between stations so i can listen to some nice crisp static.
  12. hoog

    "But, in reality..."

    ples no say in da realatie?
  13. hoog

    Help Needed Please With Server Accelerated Time

    Do you currently own a server?
  14. hoog

    Trading Post

    yay for trading.