hi iv had this problem for a while now an unfortunately i haven't found a fix, and i have tried just about everything i can thing of. iv noticed it crashes back to windows at random some times i can get 2 hours an others 10-15 mins, iv wiped my pc an only installed GPU drivers, steam / arma and dayz launcher iv also tried dayz commander. installed older GPU drivers.. it is defiantly not a heat issue as my rig is water cooled an SUPER cold i cant get my GPU hotter that 32c so surely heat is ruled out, iv tried adjusting settings in the nivdia control panel an still no joy, i originally thought it was due to my resolution running 4k so i dropped to the good old 1900x1440 an still,,,, no joy what i have noticed as some of you have mentioned already is that if im standing still or if theres not much going on it runs fine but mainly when i get in a helli an start flying that's when it seems to crash other than that if im driving a car or on foot its very rare it happens other than that when im fighting 60+ ai,, which strange because my rigs a power house :/ also FLUSH does not work for me it just crashes the game completely resulting in end tasking as always :( i have run out of ideas and iv serched the web long an hard but i carnt seem to get anywhere... please help us PC GENESIS (GOD) my rig- OS - windows 7 i7 (4.8 ghz) msi motherboard 16 gb ram GTX 980 (was over clocked but not any more, took it off thinking it was the problem) 2TB hybrid hard-drive 1000 watt corsair PSU all water cooled (idle 19c - full chat 32c) i dont no if any of this helps but im sure as hell gonna keep trying