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About Eccentric

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Eccentric

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    @Mcg2 I have not met 1 guy who have KOS'ed yet though. I have been talking with ppl through mic and gotten bloodtransfusion even from a random guy. Maybe you should just change your approch, not waving your baseball bat while walking toward them or something :P Try to not to maul down everyone who post something here, just because you want to yell at the developers about how much the alpha isnt a finished game.. which is why it is an alpha?
  2. Eccentric

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    @Waparo I like how the system works, I just dont like the fact you need to eat so much to get stuffed. Feels like I am playing the "American" version of the game, where ppl usally is fat and obese, :P
  3. Eccentric

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    McG2, this game probably isnt for you. Might not want to hear it, but it is the truth :)
  4. Eccentric

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    10 cans of food and 3 packs of rice.... to get stuffed.. for only 4 hours.. That makes is not realistic at all.. @Mc02: Either you are just trolling or you a just a retard. Try keeping your feedback constructive without raging like total douchbag, you are playing an Alpha. The lights going through buildings will probably never be fixed anyway, cause of this arma 2,5 engine.
  5. Eccentric

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    I have been playing DayZ SA for a while now. It seem you have to eat and drink way more than is realistic, is this really intended!? After eating and drinking like 2 cans of food and drinking 2 full cantines(10 drinks), I am still thirsty and hungry!? Le wut When you finally get rid of the hunger and thirst, you take 2 steps and the hunger and thirst comes back...
  6. Welcome to EccentricGaming Hi, I have opened up an Epoch Taviana server. Why? Cause I love Taviana and Epoch. Some information about the server: Connection Info: Map: Taviana Mod: Epoch Antihack: Yes Teamspeak for players on the server to use. Hosted by Vilayer.com How to play on the server 1. Download DayzCommander @ http://www.dayzcommander.com/ 2. In the Install/update tab, install DayZ Epoch and DayZ Taviana. 3. Go to the settings tab, insert "-mod=@Taviana" into the Additional Launch Parameters 4. Copy-paste the Connection Info into Favorite. 5. Profit! This is not a clan-owned server, just me who want to make a good server I can call home and for the community who enjoy DayZ Epoch on Taviana. Feel free to join with groups or clans if you like, everyone will be treated the same. If you like to join a server without abusive admins and receive help when you ask, this is the place to be. We are just a small group of players on the server at the moment, but there seem to be room for lots more. :) If any question, feel free to ask! Extra mods on the server: EMS Mission system Provides 26 different missions on the server. Got some custom loot and vehicles added. Krixes Selfbloodbag You can Bloodbag yourself for 6k blood, got cooldown enabled and chance for infection on use. DZAI Provides AI for the missions, dymanic patrol spawn and AI using helis to fly around. IT07 Welcome Message Welcome message on login. Autorefuel By scrolling the mousewheel near gas stations you can refill gas on vehicles. Zabns Take Clothes You can take clothes off dead bodies, either it is AI or players. AGN Safezones Provides safesones for traders. Grant godmode for everyone within the zone and disables weapons. Got anti-theft so players are unable to go into eachother backpacks. -No need for plot pole to build on the server -If you would want a starterkit for your base, we can provide it :) No need for donation or buy stuff with real money like other servers... We just want to have fun. -Buildnings become indestructable on every restart. -Scheduled restarts every 6 hour normally. Protected by the awesome Blurgaming/infiSTAR Antihack
  7. Eccentric

    Cloak, hood and daggers.

    Yes, but when you walk over to the corpse to loot his/her stuff you think "Dauym! This dood were looking awesum!" You take the clothes and then walk around for hours with a smug grin, thinking about how great it would be if there were killcams whenever you took one out. Suddenly you get shot yourself, but as the deathscreen pop up you will think "Atleast I died looking this good!"
  8. Eccentric

    Throwing stuff (bricks,bottles,etc)

    Throwing stuff in DayZ like whiskey bottles is already there. You can have them in inventory and cycle to it with the "F"-key and use it to distract zombies. Agree that this can be expanded a bit though... and lol, did you suggest throwing dildos?
  9. Eccentric

    Cloak, hood and daggers.

    A coat like that would be pretty cool, but personally I still prefer a hood over the cowboyhat. Would be awesome if the community could help out and make the models for new clothes.
  10. Eccentric

    Cloak, hood and daggers.

    As a huge fan of wearing cloaks and hoodies, I am referring to characters like Garret(thief-series) Corvo(Dishonored) and Altair(Assassins Creed). How awesome would it be to be able to wear monk/priestoutfits found near churches, or just normal hooded sweaters you find lying around in Chernarus. With the new clothing feature in DayZ standalone you can dress up like you want to, as long you find the items ingame. I often find myself in openworld games like The Elder Scrolls-series, Fallout or even Minecraft wearing hooded items and using silent weapons like bows, crossbows and daggers. It is just my style of play and perhaps others as well? It would be cool to see some hooded headgear. There is already helmets in the DayZ standalone, so perhaps they could make it.
  11. Looking for someone to play with on UK#10 http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/98174-uk10-zombie-world-80-slot-whitelist-applications-discussions-9943-hacker-free-looking-for-new-whitelisted-players-apply-now/page__st__3680