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Everything posted by kelron.si@gmail.com

  1. kelron.si@gmail.com

    "Expert" difficulty mode

    Most of the servers I see listed as Veteran have crosshairs and 3rd person off. I thought Expert was mainly more dangerous AI (in normal Arma), so what does it actually do in DayZ?
  2. Logging off there is the cause of my funniest (for me, at least) stupid death. I'd spent ages belly crawling through hordes of zombies at the airfield, and just couldn't be bothered crawling back out before going to bed. So I log off there, even in a place like that, what's the chance of logging in when another player's in the building? High enough, it turns out. I log in the next night, still prone with my pistol pointed at the door. I can hear footsteps in the corridor. Door opens, I can just see his head outlined against the window. I've obviously caught him by surprise (feel a bit bad about this, especially if they'd already checked it was clear before I logged in, but what can you do) and he goes down. I hear at least one more set of footsteps start running outside. I saw NVGs in the muzzle flash. I'm panicking a bit here as there's not really any cover from the windows at all. I figure my only chance is to try and grab the NVGs so I can actually see what's going on. I flick them on in time to see a guy in the window lining up a shot on me. I go down, but it's only a short unconsciousness and I still have some blood left. More footsteps, not sure if it's just the one guy out there or two. Someone comes in the door as I come round. He didn't immediately shoot me, maybe he thinks I'm dead? Can't take the chance, so I open fire on him. One more shot ends my life.
  3. kelron.si@gmail.com

    Perceived usefulness of Weapons.

    Really? What ammo does it use and how many shots to bring down a zombie? I mainly use sidearm for zombie killing and haven't seen any reason to switch from revolver/1911.
  4. kelron.si@gmail.com

    Chaos in Electro tonight.

    Great story, I always have the best adventures after respawning. Having nothing to lose means I'll go into town and take risks, rather than heading back into the woods as soon as I hear shooting.
  5. kelron.si@gmail.com

    less likely to shoot female survivor?

    A silly question. Also no women in Arma.
  6. kelron.si@gmail.com

    Perceived usefulness of Weapons.

    I do like the Winchester, but I prefer the AKM for a general purpose weapon. Ammo isn't too hard to find, it has double the magazine capacity of the Winchester and still usually drops a zombie in one hit. So 3 mags can last you a while, and if you're running out then Winchesters are everywhere. The faster rate of fire also comes in handy if you're forced to kill zombies in the open. It has zeroing and is pretty accurate with ironsights up to ~300m, it's not a sniper weapon but it can suppress and potentially kill players in a way the Winchester can't. You might be able to hit at that range with a Winchester, but it won't kill them and you'll have trouble hitting a moving target with it. And as far as the rarer military weapons go, I love the M16 ACOG if I can get one. The range markings on the scope are very easy to use, it's accurate and has low recoil combined and it's much easier to find ammo than for sniper rifles. Picking off zombies from out of their hearing range is a viable tactic, as it's quiet enough not to draw them in from long distances.
  7. kelron.si@gmail.com

    Understanding Of Vehicles?

    Any rusty looking wreck is not repairable. The ones you can use look like intact vehicles, though possibly missing wheels and glass, and you'll be able to get inside it. Health status in the top left works for any vehicle type, not just helicopters. Vehicles remain on the server you found them, and other players can find and steal them so hiding them well is important.
  8. kelron.si@gmail.com


    I'm curious about whether the majority of players like having NVGs in game. They're obviously one of the most desirable pieces of high end gear, but they are a complete game-changer at night. I love the tension of playing at night time, always having to balance the usefulness of light with the risk of detection. Whether I'm weaving through zombies I can barely see in the glow of a chemlight, or being shot by a sneakier player who managed to outmaneuver me in the dark, I'm enjoying myself. But NVGs throw that balance. Other players' attempts at stealth become comically obvious, and you can shoot anyone you please while operating in perfect darkness. If someone wearing NVGs does reveal themselves you can try and blind them with flares, but honestly how often does that happen? So what do people think? Do you want your own NVGs, or do you enjoy fumbling around in the darkness? Personally I'd like to see them either removed or changed to something more like Stalker's low quality night vision (if that's possible).
  9. kelron.si@gmail.com

    Which vehicles have you been?

    People can steal your vehicles while you're offline if you don't hide it well enough. I wonder if my shitty Lada is still there, we dumped it in the first bit of woods we came across, then I couldn't get back on the same server the day after. I'll probably find it with all its wheels removed and set on fire.
  10. kelron.si@gmail.com

    Boat Adventures w/ Valc & Friends

    You could get someone to stay on board out to sea, then come pick you up. Doubt anyone's going to risk losing all their gear swimming out to steal it.
  11. kelron.si@gmail.com

    Hiding items

    Pistols take up 5 backpack slots, primaries take up 10.
  12. kelron.si@gmail.com

    Headlamp or pistol/torch dual wield?

    There are guns with torches attached, though they aren't too common they're far easier to find than NVGs.
  13. kelron.si@gmail.com

    chzech pack?

    Vest pouches are useless, though I suppose if you'd lost all your gear it's better than nothing. I also found an Assault Pack the other day which I think had 18 slots, still worse than ALICE and Coyote backpack but I hadn't seen one before.
  14. kelron.si@gmail.com

    How to see player names ingame?

    Yeah, some sort of player names are necessary as it's so hard to distinguish players without them. If it could be limited to close range that would be great, I don't want to be able to use it to detect people 300m away.
  15. I'd like to have vehicles even if they weren't persistent. But if they were causing problems with the servers, then I understand removing them.
  16. kelron.si@gmail.com

    Food vs Health and Damage

    I think the damage is largely fine as it is, assume the zombies are clawing and biting at you trying to eat your delicious flesh. One or two zombies don't inflict that much damage as it is, it's larger groups that are deadly. Perhaps decrease the chance of bleeding from just one or two hits, or make light bleeding stop by itself after a short time. What I really don't like is the chance for the first hit from a zombie to knock you unconscious, I think that should only happen when you're already injured. Food-wise, I don't really like the system as it is. Despite what Deviant says, it's quite easy to heal serious wounds up to a manageable level by crawling around a town eating loads of cans. I'd like to see that changed to a constant blood regen when you eat well, but no direct blood points from eating. There'd be no benefit to eating 10 tins in 10 minutes, instead you'd need a regular food supply to build your strength back up if no one was around to perform a transfusion.
  17. kelron.si@gmail.com

    Military Flashlight

    Apparently the military flashlight doesn't produce a cone of light, so you can see the lit area but not where it's coming from (unless it's pointing at you). Not really tested it myself.
  18. kelron.si@gmail.com

    Group Photos

    Are you aware you're using the wrong aspect ratio and Arma isn't supposed to look all squashy and weird like that?
  19. kelron.si@gmail.com


    I'm not sure what the mod team have done exactly with the moon and light levels at night, but from my own experiments in setting up missions it seems Arma has very little middle ground between "no light" and "lots of light". When the moon's out it's almost as good as daylight.
  20. kelron.si@gmail.com

    Arma 3

    I hope we'll be able to steal clothes from the zombies in the Arma 3 version.
  21. kelron.si@gmail.com


  22. kelron.si@gmail.com


  23. kelron.si@gmail.com

    Group Photos

    Some of the ARPS crew enjoying a tasty goat around a campfire: