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Posts posted by DawnofShawn

  1. Well I find myself spawning,finding no weapon, and just running until I start bleeding and die. Not exactly fun. This most recent update at least allows you to sneak a bit more. But even then I would like to be able to shoot something. Especially where I play alone. I do not have people to back me up. Recently switched over to PC and have no one to play with.

  2. My friends that play Day Z with me are discouraged from playing anymore. They are telling me that installing and updating the mod has become to much work.

    Once the mod is in working order' date=' the next day, and in some cases in the same day, there has been updates.

    By the time some of them finally get 1.7.1 working and then log out for sleep, the next time they log in, its By the time another friend logs in to play, its no 4.

    The very next day, I'm patching up to ... I think. And now theres more confusing steps involving the download and modification of Beta files.

    My friends have told me that they are unwilling to keep up and have decided to stop playing Day Z until things slow down so they can play more and install less.

    Is there a way to make it easier to keep up and install updates so I can get my friends back into the game?


    All you do is copy and paste. How hard is that?
