(Picture) http://www.airwar.ru/enc/craft/yak112.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yakovlev_Yak-112 Yak-112 a small two person civil propeller aircraft. Not to fancy this could be a good first plane. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamov_Ka-26 This is a popular utility helicopter in russia. It is very basic and has the posibilty of being in differenct forms. You could have passenger variants, carog variants, and others too. It is used a lot, pretty small, and would make a nice first helicopter in the game. Czechoslovakian Air Force - received 33 Il-2 and 2 training Il-2U aircraft. This type was operated between 1944 and 1949 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ilyushin_Il-2 Who knows how many are left but it is the second most produced plane in the world so I'm sure there's a couple laying around here and there. This would be and ultra-rare spawn chance. OPEN TO FEEDBACK JUST TRY NOT BE A JERK.