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About Frontier

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  1. Frontier

    Battleye initialization failed

    I'm getting this too. It just started so I don't know what's the problem.
  2. Frontier

    Day Z Teamspeak Community

    Awesome idea man, I'll certainly drop in later.
  3. Frontier

    Good teamspeak hosts?

    Looking to get a server up so I can party up with a couple friends of mine. Never really done it before so I'm in the dark as to which hosts are the best and such. If anyone could lead me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it.
  4. Frontier

    A DayZ song? Yes'sir!

    I've already got this downloaded! Gotta love it. So funny :D
  5. I'm pretty sure everyone is experiencing this due to the DDOS attacks. I'm afraid you're mistaken on that part.
  6. Frontier

    Guns in action

    Currently geared with an M4A1 Holo and M1911 as my sidearm. I also have an SVD Camo as my sniper in my pack.
  7. Frontier

    Which gun to lose?

    Alright guys, I ditched the FAL. Thanks for your help! ;)
  8. Frontier

    Which gun to lose?

    That's what I was thinking as well, but it is so gosh darn powerful, it's hard to choose.
  9. Well guys, I am currently geared with a Mk 48 (3 100-round belts) as my primary and a FN FAL (2 mags) in my pack. I just found a DMR and I really want it but I don't know what gun to switch out. What do you guys think?
  10. Frontier

    first 20 mins alive

    Sorry, but I didn't understand a single part of that story.
  11. Frontier

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    pz is a bawse, not even exaggerating. Not only does he swap worlds and navigate with me to meet up in a dark server, but he also gives me NV goggles in exchange for some food. Thanks man, I really appreciate it.
  12. Frontier

    Can you set waypoints?

    Alright, awesome. Thanks.
  13. Can you set waypoints with your map or do you need a GPS and all that jazz? Fairly new to this and it sure would make traveling a hell of a lot easier.
  14. Frontier

    Zombies after patch

    Same issues for me as well. You can't walk in any city basically without aggro-ing the whole freaking place. As for gun spawns, I've seen multiple Enfields, Remingtons, Revolvers, M1911's and AK's. You guys aren't looking in the right spots.
  15. Frontier

    Game is not using GPU -- low fps

    This new update has really improved my FPS. Well done Rocket, the dev team, and the guy who found that client problem!