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Skippy (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Skippy (DayZ)

  1. Skippy (DayZ)

    Weaponry that makes sense given the setting

    Suspension of belief is pretty important when making a game. A shiny new Ferrari? Yeah- that goes a little far. But an M24, something which is mainly used in the US military (they have however lately upgraded to a newer model) doesn't make most people go 'nope, immersion ruined, I quit.'
  2. Skippy (DayZ)

    Weaponry that makes sense given the setting

    Immersion is great, but only to an extent... Does limiting the guns we can use to a very small pool really add anything to the game? No. Keep the current ones- and hell, give us more weapons to pick from too.
  3. Skippy (DayZ)

    Operation Dogfight -- Private Servers

    The actual count was about 20 DMR or so shots from myself (Skippy) another 20 or so M14 shots from our friend (Taylor) and then 15 from Axis48 (Mers) plus an M203 HE round, which blew up the car he was in. We started driving off after he lived through all this, as it was clear he was using a god-mode. He managed to snipe Axis48 (Mers) from about 400m away with an AKS-Kobra, and then teleported about 2000m, appearing in front of myself/Taylor, now having Axis48' M16 M203, and shot another HE at the URAL, blowing that up. We both sprinted in different directions, and he teleported after both of us for the kill, each with one headshot from 100-200m away. God mode, aimbot, and teleporting.
  4. Right so before people say it I have checked the community ban list and I can not find my GUID on it anywhere. My GUID is: 1651683e60a27c007ea7c6f558ad90dd The popup I get whenever I join a server (this applies to about 90% of the servers out there) is W 4d9b2182 0x0f44d938 Like I said, I'm not the community ban list, and its not a battle-eye ban or anything, so I'm not really sure what’s going on. If it was one or two servers it could just be an admin or something, but its pretty much every server. One other thing- I've had this problem on and off for about three months- sometimes this GUID is banned, sometimes it isn't (I've checked on the same server days apart and sometimes been able to get in, sometimes not) and I'm really not sure what’s going on. I was actually on the community ban list about five months or so ago, but I took it up with them, and it turned out to be a mistake and I was promptly removed from the ban list. Everything worked fine for another month or two, then this all started up. Anything you can do to help would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Skippy (DayZ)

    Ban help, not sure if it's really an appeal.

    Alright well, here's hoping.
  6. Skippy (DayZ)

    Ban help, not sure if it's really an appeal.

    Like I said- I've checked the ban list. I'm not on it what so ever. That's why this is somewhat of an odd problem, if it was as simple as that I would just go make an appeal with them, but I'm not there so I can't really appeal it. I get the feeling like most servers aren't running some really, really out-dated ban list from months ago. Is there some other wide scale ban list being used out there?
  7. Skippy (DayZ)

    Ban help, not sure if it's really an appeal.

    I'm not actually on my home computer at the moment, but the error is something along the lines of- BattleEye Admin Ban: W 4d9b2182 0x0f44d938 edit;spelling
  8. Skippy (DayZ)

    Build Rolling Update

    I've actually found legit spawns of both. The one character I don't use much (I have a few copies of the game so I can play with different groups) is going on something like 200 days played, 70ish hours spent and I've run across a number of chopper crashes with the AS50. They have one now as well, actually.
  9. Several weeks ago my computer began to break down (turns out they didn't have the heatsinks in properly when I bought the laptop) so I had to ship it back, and get it fixed. All was well before I sent it away, now upon getting it back it seems I'm on the community ban list. I'm not sure why I was banned, the only thing I can think of is maybe DC'ing during combat because of my computer crashing (which it often did, due to the lack of a heatsink.) Thank you for anything you can do to help. My GUID is 1651683e60a27c007ea7c6f558ad90dd
  10. Skippy (DayZ)

    Community Ban List appeal

    Thanks, I wasn't really sure where to post the ban appeal, will do that now.
  11. Skippy (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Still running on my 31 day old character, female, with a ghillie suit sitting in my backpack... Don't really feel like remaking just yet.
  12. Skippy (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Is there any word on when female characters will be able to wear different skins?
  13. Skippy (DayZ)

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    Not sure if this has been asked, but... How long does it take average for a player to find a ranged weapon, so non-crowbar/hatchet?
  14. The server of Atlanta 15 was mass-killed at around 3 PM Eastern Time, much rage was had over voice chat for those brief moments everyone could speak. I'm not sure if it matters, but I lost an SVD Camo/M4A1 CCO, I don't expect to get it back, just wondering if I can.
  15. YES! Because we need -something- to help with he random PvP, I'm a bandit myself and I suppost this.
  16. YES. It'll add a little more danger and reaslism to the world, something I overall like.
  17. Skippy (DayZ)

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    So no update on a fix for gender bugs, which caused several people to turn male upon death/log out?
  18. Skippy (DayZ)

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Motion Capture.
  19. Skippy (DayZ)

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Will people be able to re-pick their gendor? Dozens of people have selected female, and been turned back into male after death. I myself, selected female, was female until I logged onto, upon which I turned into a bandit next log-out, and back into a male on death.
  20. Skippy (DayZ)

    M4 CCO & SD ammo; accuracy/zeroing

    Noticed this too; thankfully got to switch it out for an M4A1 HOLO, which seems to work just fine.
  21. Skippy (DayZ)

    1.6.0 Stuck as male

    I am actually stuck as a bandit male, which I believe is a bug. I was fairly sure that the bandit model itself was removed, if not, and I should still have that bandit outfit after picking female, and looking female for several hours, ignore the rest of this. Date/Time: 2012-05-27/28 What happened: I logged onto a server and got the gender selection screen, I chose female and played for a couple hours before the server crashed, log back in as a male. Where you were: Way up in the North. What you were doing: Running around in the north, hunting for food. *Current installed version: Dayz *Server(s) you were on: Dallas 3 *Your system specs: 16GB Dual Channel DDR3 at 1600MHz Nvidia 580m x2 3rd Generation Intel® Core™ i7-3920XM (8MB Cache, up to 3.8GHz w/ Turbo Boost 2.0)
  22. Skippy (DayZ)

    Don't Trust The Boobs

    Funny, funny stuff... Oh the amount of times that actually works...
  23. Skippy (DayZ)

    Girl Character?

    If it's not too much work, I think they should be added in; at least as a findable skin or -something-. I'd rather be able to pick it at start, but I'd be willing to have to find it, as well.
  24. Skippy (DayZ)

    What the fuck? Where's the persistence?

    I like how this man has no ide what he's talking about, nor does he seem to understand the basic behind this game, so he starts yelling at people, swearing, cussing, and the like. Honest if you've got a real suggestion that's all well and good, but if you're just going to come onto the forums to yell and bitch at people, try saying it to yourself in the mirror a few times first, y'know, test it a bit. 'cause frankly you come off as nothing but a mad little nine year old, if that. And I know some pretty mature nine year olds that'd put you to shame...