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Everything posted by Elexo

  1. Ah, thanks for the answer :)
  2. I also today killed 2 people and i got the 2 kills but there wasent any body for me there, not sure if its a bug or if its them alt+f4 that makes this happen.
  3. Dr621 got it, atleast its like that for me... i rather kill then being killed but if the skin was back i would play alot more friendly.
  4. Elexo

    Solo Survival - Surviving Alone?

    I seen most of your dayz videos and i just love them, keep them up man :thumbsup:
  5. Elexo

    good old MRE's

    I love it !
  6. Elexo

    Right in the Nutz!

    This was the best Dayz Video ever, cant stop laughing
  7. Elexo

    DayZ review and thoughts

    I havent had any problems with zombies seeing me and i been crouch runing alot ^^ guess i might just been lucky but so far i love this patch.
  8. So me and my friend are playing this lovely game together and we run to meet up but the problem is that we keep spawning so far away from eachother so im just wondering if anyone got any tricks on how to meet up faster? Thanks for takeing your time to read this :).