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Everything posted by Elexo

  1. Elexo

    *whew* that was a close one!!

    Hahaha, best story ever.
  2. every time i put up a tent it ends up being empty (and i know its not because a player steals it) anyway i know that this is known but i still find some tents that got items in them so im just wondering if theres anyway to get it to work that i dont know about? Thanks for taking your time to read this. =)
  3. Well... i think WarZ will have somethings better then DayZ but if you havent played it yet then you should not say that its better, because they are just talking about thing they will add but it might all be bullshit.
  4. Elexo

    Would like to apologize

    I agree, death to Alt+f4 people !
  5. Ah i see, thanks for the answer =)
  6. Yeah, i always save the tent after putting stuff and takeing stuff.
  7. Servers are up they are just not listed because of the maintainence, so you just have to wait.
  8. Elexo

    How do you get your gear?

    Well just some seconds ago i meet 3 bandits that i managed to kill 2 and the 3 aborted, got a rare sniper and gps from them and then i keept runing up to my tent and on the way i found a tent with bizon, m14 aim and 2 rare snipers. I been playing for a while and this is the first time i find this much loot so i guess its alot about being lucky :P, just keep searching and crossing your fingers :).
  9. Ok, so i would love some help on this image. I would love if someone could take all of that blue stuff and do it in to some kind of grey metal with a transparent background and also i would like it to say ELEGANCE on the "blue" area at bag. If you want you could also make the smaller boxes edges rounded. Now i would do this my self if i had photoshop but i dont :/. Thank you for taking your time to read this =).
  10. Thats it :D, A HUGE THANK YOU to you :) really awesome job and once again THANK YOU.
  11. Almost right but i still only need the lines not the inv and the murders and things like that, only the metal part is needed :P but once again thank you
  12. Its awesome its just that i need only like the borders and stuff and not the background, so the background needs to be transparent but otherwise its great.
  13. Well you can put the gun in to your backpack but that means you are going to have to open it up to get the gun out again and hatchet can only be placed on tool belt and primary.
  14. Cant believe this made me laugh... thats my brain telling me i need to get some sleep.
  15. I would also love if this was done, +1 !
  16. Elexo

    Silenced Sniper Rifles

    At some areas that arent that good places for me to snipe and have a good look at my team :/
  17. Elexo

    Silenced Sniper Rifles

    I know that feeling, when im the "overwatch" i would love to be able to take out the zombies that are near them without getting a horde of zombies on me but at the same time it will be bad just because of the killing part like you said...
  18. Elexo

    A suggestion for the zombie AI

    I would love to see slow zombies that are stronger and can take some more dmg together with the fast ones.
  19. Elexo

    Show available slots for tents

    I want the same thing with cars :P
  20. So today i killed 2 people and their bodies was gone like 3 secs after the kill and im just wondering if this is a bug or if it got to do something with alt+f4.
  21. Elexo

    More than one primary weapon?

    I carry a DMR and a AK, just by having the AK in my backpack and then switching them out with eachother. But a primary weapon takes up 10 slots in a backpack.
  22. Elexo

    dude where's my duct tape?

    I wanted duct tape exactly for these things ! +1
  23. I would just love to see more skins added that shouldent be to hard to find so not everyone looks the same.