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Everything posted by iStP

  1. iStP

    Zombie Migration

    This has already been suggested in many threads. Even though I like the idea, I think zombie AI needs to be improved first.
  2. iStP

    Duffle bags!

    I prefer the idea already suggested of being able to wear a czech vest pouch in unison with a backpack. I know where you're coming from with the idea though
  3. Maybe even something like an electric cattle prod (could be found in barns/farms) that is a melee wapon used to stun just like a taser. Cattle prod could be found slightly easier than a taser (IMO tasers should spawn in baracks/military buildings) but the downside is they wouldnt subdue enemies for as long as a taser. (meaning you must decide what you want quickly and gtfo of there) <---- also might mean someone doesnt have enough time to rob EVERYTHING on you, leaving you with some items left at least.
  4. iStP

    "Hey, I know you!"

    Very well thought out and written. Love the idea +1
  5. iStP

    Dumpster Diving

    Yeah stuff spawning in the dumpsters wouldnt be a bad idea I suppose. If items could spawn there I hope you could stash stuff there if you were in a sticky situation (Just temporarily of course)
  6. Like the sound of it. Even just displaying the characters name above their head when they get within a certain distance wether you're aiming at them or not would be nice too
  7. Just wondering if anyone hasnt been playing long or is finding the game difficult to survive on their own ( I definitely am anyway xD ) to join up with me maybe ? I'm from ireland and have a mic so if your interested send me your skype :) I'm playing DayZ for a few hours most days, mainly in the day time/ evening. Steam - iScopedThePope Xfire - iStP
  8. Added almost everyone from the thread, hopefully might get on dayz tonight :D
  9. Been thinking a lot about suggestions of things I would like to see in DayZ and one thing I was thinking for was "in-game" voice comms, like push to talk. To make it useable in game I think it needs to be range limited like the chat but maybe a much shorter distance, it should also maybe record the levels so that the louder you talk, the farther away you can be heard and easier you alert zombies. Just some suggestion I thought might be appreciated :) (P.s first post go easy)
  10. iStP

    In-game voice comms ?

    Yeah thats what I meant, weird, didnt know it was already ingame. Thanks.