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Everything posted by TheSavageRain

  1. Remade under a new name. Now Called AreaUnknownGaming. Details updated. Hello, I am known by all my members as Savage. I would like to formerly introduce. What are we doing here? We'll FFG is looking for a smaller group or clan to merge with. We wont merge with you and join your group, no. I am talking about two groups becoming one. In other words its two halves becoming a whole. Both clan/group owners would share 50% of the clan to avoid any sort of "misuse" of any sort. We will only consider serious offers. We have a website, teamspeak 3 server, as well as a few sponsors(screenshots below for proof). If anyone is interested in merging or just joining us. Feel free to reply here or contact me elsewhere. Links will be provided below. Now about us and our background. History: FFG or more commonly known as FalseFrag-Gaming, was founded and ran by me in 2010. I myself have ran quite a few successful groups and or servers. One being on xbox, and the rest on pc, sense i moved from xbox to pc and sold it. FFG has dedicated members who have been here for years. Others have left, or moved on. These few have earned themselves my greatest respect. We have investors for our servers and or website. Our teamspeak 3 is currently hosted on a dedicated vps, and our website is run threw vbulletin. What we want and what we are looking for: We want a smaller group of any size as long as they're 8+ active members. Big or medium size groups wont be turned down. What do i gain from this?: Well it depends on what your standing within the group or your previous group is. The clan founder or owner from the old group remains owner and gets a email with the clan group. [email protected] and teamspeak privledges are the same as site, both owner. If you ran the old group as a admin, we can talk with the previous group owner and figure out what to do for that. I myself am very understanding, do not get pissed off easy or much at all. I am usually very mellow and relaxed. I can almost always understand if something happends and you can't do something we wanted or your admin rank is needing to be removed because you have irl problems. Proof of Sponsorship: http://gyazo.com/b1527780c0c134cd2fa2399c676ba67d http://gyazo.com/cebc928cbac350d45ee7adfca1d87e41 Contact Information: Website: http://areaunknowngaming.com/ Skype: mc.brian1994 Twitter: SavageDoesGamin Teamspeak: ts.areaunknowngaming.com Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/thesavagerain Best Regards, Brian - Savage