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Everything posted by Turbidblue

  1. I very much prefer 3PP. 1st person gives me motion sickness sooner or later and I think 3PP is more immersive. At least I have a hard time making a character if I can't actually see it.
  2. Turbidblue

    Most detested item in Persistence

    Chem lights! I never would have guessed they were such common means of decorating in Chernarus before the outbreak.
  3. Turbidblue

    The Great CLE Loot Experiment (Starving Players)

    I ran into a lootbomb with food yesterday (on a low pop server). Before that, I was around 6 hours in on my character and hadn't found a single food or drink apart from invisible fruit and I had trouble finding good pants as well. I did mostly hang out around the coast though, to learn the map better. Since I'm a fairly new player (110 game hours) and not particulary interested in pvp I've tried to avoid the coast. This was a bit inland but still not too far from the coast. It had all sorts of canned food, sodas and lots of fresh fruit. I got energized and still couldn't fit all the food that was left in my SPOSN. There was at least 30 cans of food and maybe 15 soda cans, and fresh fruit.
  4. Turbidblue

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Life has gotten in the way for the past few weeks, but I picked up where I left yesterday. Since I had grown attached to my nice gear I decided I needed to put myself in danger, so I found a chainsaw and chased Zombies for a while. That was fun but not much of a challenge. I then switched servers to a more popular one and almost instantly got shot at but managed to loose the guy somewhere in the forest around Svetlo. I'm going to stick to that server, I've grown tired of not meeting anyone. I feel like the respawning of loot is way better balanced now than it was a few weeks ago. I found a can of food here and there but only enough to keep me going, and had to refill with some apples. Feels like how I would like it to be. I'm curious to see what this update will bring!
  5. Turbidblue

    How was your Day(Z)?

    That worked fine, thank you! I ended up living up of apples and today I actually found some canned food and drinks as well, but I didn't get the healing screen until just now. That's going to change my playing style for a bit since I haven't cared too much about getting hit by zombies before. Made it back to my tent, yay! I don't think anything is missing, all the ammo is still there and that should probably be the first thing to go. I spotted someone driving a truck further down the hill though so I hope they haven't spotted my camp and going to come back later... I don't know. I think I'm going to plant some food and see if it's still there when I come back. I think I'm going to hang around my campsite more and fish and such, or make a garden not too close from the spot. And then go on excursions for more nice loot.
  6. Turbidblue

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Shit, I take that back! It's really hard when you die and respawn. I looted every house from Berezino to Turov and found nothing to eat or drink. So far I've died of starvation two times and killed by zombie two today. First thing I'll do when I manage to survive longer I'm going to stock up my tent with food! Those to cans of tactical bacon didn't last long, lol. Yes, the tent was still there :) Does anyone else have problems with apples? I get the "I found something!" message but the apple doesn't show up in my inventory everytime. Super annoying when you are two minutes from dying of starvation. Also, apples seem to fill up my thirst but does it actually do anything about the hunger status?
  7. Turbidblue

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Not going to lie, I'm loving the new update so far! It suits my playing style so much better because I'm all about exploring the map outside of the big cities so this was very welcome. I went all the way up to Svetlojarsk and back down again. I found a tent and finally managed to stay alive long enough to be able to deploy it. Hopefully I pitched it on a good location, but we'll see I guess. Maybe it's a bit too ideal to actually work out. Only half an hour later I died at the hands of a zombie, so now I have to start all over again. My tent will still be up, right? And can other players steal the tent? I get that they can steal things from inside, but it would be good if the tent was still there. Off to respawn at the coast again I guess...
  8. Turbidblue

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Wow. That sucks! I didn't know you could find a stick without having to chop a tree down. I always carry sticks and an axe , just in case ;). A I've logged far too many hours in this game already, it's so addictive! I had my first run-in with another player today. Bastard shot me in the back before I even managed to press F2 haha, so I'm being a lot more careful while running in the larger cities after that. Since I don't know the map at all (to be honest, I haven't even managed to open the map yet lol) I've been traveling along the railroad tracks for a while. It was fun until I got to one end of it where it was a very small military base or something like that. I was just about to poke around to see if I could find a firefighter axe (favourite weapon so far!) when someone turned up in a very serious vechicle... I sprinted to the forest and stayed under a tree for ten minutes, but they never came after me I think. I need to find a tent! That'll be my goal for tomorrow.
  9. Turbidblue

    How was your Day(Z)?

    My first eight hours in the game was great fun but also quite hard. Especially considering that the very first thing I did in the game was to run to a barn and jump off the highest floor down to the second and broke my leg. I had to crawl for half an hour to a nearby town and let a zombie finish me up. That taught me a lesson for sure, lol! I respawned right outside some small town with lots of food and water, so that made for a good start. I managed to stay alive for a few hours until I got ill and died from that and hypothermia. Enjoying the game so far!