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Everything posted by unknown..2..u

  1. unknown..2..u

    Fuck it, kill everyone

    Lets face it, we didn't come here for death match same old bollox, we came for the zombies. What's the point in playing this mod like a death match when at-least 40% of the players hold their trigger finger, then you shoot them in the dome..DAMN..easy mode. You may get a thrill shooting fish in a barrel, i dont. These bandits have skillz man or should that be anti-skillz? They fail at every other game so come here to shoot people who don't shoot back/first..lol. Then talk shit on these forums about how leet the are..ROFL. Then when you call them out for being a pussy they call you a COD kid, they will swear blind that they have never played COD but in the same breath call it shit and the people who play it are gay and noob..How the fuck would they even know if its good or shit if they never played the game?
  2. unknown..2..u

    To the baby's moaning

    It's an alpha, people are supposed to moan about things you MUG.
  3. unknown..2..u

    Pretty convinced everyone is a bandit.

    I just think its funny when people try and use the reasoning that if there was a zombie outbreak and the world went to hell we would go crazy and kill each-other. They are leaving out one very crucial variable, that we would all have a common enemy to fight and beat. If the dead walked would we go mental and kill each-other?...no If we were invaded by extra-terrestrials would we go mad and kill each-other?...no Why not?..Because we would group together and fight the common enemy, two groups might come into conflict over rare resources like fuel or women. It wouldn't be a shoot on sight protocol unless you have a brain the size of a pea-nut, the reason the homo-sapiens won over the Neanderthal was because we are social animals and like to trade and share knowledge (survivor), while the Neanderthal would kill you if you come into his territory and then eat you (bandit).