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About marshallus

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  1. marshallus

    How did you discover DayZ?

    I was looking the youtube vidéo of Bibix swatting (french Dayz Streamer), and i searched the game he was playing on ^^
  2. marshallus

    Sound when weapon drops to ground please?

    i dropped a full kitted M4 (dual carring with an aug) without noticing, 10 min later and several miles away i just realised... Hopefully, i was recording and i watch the record to find where i dropped it :p It was waiting for me on the ground :p
  3. marshallus

    Graphical strangeness

    i got background colors (blue-purple-white) dancing in the main menu background since the last maintenance (7days).
  4. marshallus

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Mr Jizz, on 06 Apr 2015 - 10:40 PM, said: updated
  5. marshallus

    0.55 Sick for at leat 6 hours in game

    finally after 10 hours in game sick, suicide
  6. marshallus

    0.55 Sick for at leat 6 hours in game

    after 2 more hours , always sick .... Will try vomiting again and again, i'll tell you
  7. marshallus

    0.55 Sick for at leat 6 hours in game

    i drink like one bottle each 3 minutes playing without running..... Sick Again
  8. Hi After killing a cow and eating the meat, i became sick... I try evertything : charcotabs, antibiotics, 3 three saline bags, drinking until i vomit.... After six hours ingame at eating and drinking a little each time i'm still sick So several asks : - why i became sick ? i killed the cow, then i eat the meat and i see "my mouth looks weird...." - how can i cure it? Before 0.55 i had been sick several times and no problem, but this time..... Thanks
  9. marshallus

    Serverlist causes Internetlags

    hi got the same problem, i know it's a DNS related problem with Dayz Server List. Because you can ping website by their ip, but not by the name (packet lost). I notice this because i play with two monitor, and going on internet while "Please wait". It broke all the connection, not only on the pc you are... And my connection is 100 megabytes so it's not the problem....
  10. marshallus

    Why snipers aren't going away

    First - sorry for my bad english. i hear it's hard to be a good sniper bla bla bla :( But where is the challenge killing someone from 1000 yards ? Wait for the perfect shot ? Just laying down and wait to kill. I think it's not the goal in Dayz, as Dayz is a survivor game. So you have to kill threats to survive, and tell me how someone in the town in Electro is a threat for you when you are hidding in the forest far far away Sniper is just a way to say to the world i'm the boss, but in reality you're just hidding because you're afraid by death. I know it's hard to find the good moment, etc.... but quite coward..... [/troll] :lol: