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About tylerdanielmoser

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. tylerdanielmoser

    freeze then crash

    yeah ive ran everything as an ADMIN, I don't know what else to do. Its so frustrating bc my less powerful laptop can run it. But My nice desktop crashes and freezes at the please wait screen lol
  2. tylerdanielmoser

    freeze then crash

    hello my dayz freezes and then crashes right after joining a server. it starts up fine and brings up the server list but when I click any servers it freezes on the "please wait" screen. my computer is fast, way faster than my less powerful laptop that can run dayz around 20fps. my specs on the new desktop that is having problems is i5-3570k cpu @3.4GHz z77 extreme4 motherboard 16GB RAM 1TB westernD OS windows 7 Nvidia GeForce GTX750Ti 750 PS Lots of fans running to the point where I will give up on the game on the desktop. But specs show that I can run it. HELP Thanks