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Everything posted by FuglyDuckling123

  1. FuglyDuckling123

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    Awesome! I love how frequent these patch's are coming. Keep it up :)
  2. FuglyDuckling123

    Pending Hotfix: Build

  3. Hey Rocket, The game is awesome and I understand alpha is bugs and testing but me and a lot of others really think the start gun and the Z sensitivity are making the game impossible to get off to a start the game was hard even before (27minute life expectancy) and this is gonna down that more. If I may suggest you lower sensitivity or give us the gun or a melee weapon to start just to make it a but easier. Thanks I hope this helps :)
  4. FuglyDuckling123

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Really good work but I think and also alot of people think that the makarov should be back. The games too hard without it and the infected seeing sensitivity is up well to hard please take it into suggestion!
  5. FuglyDuckling123

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Rocket if you see this let you know try fix the problem with some people (from 1.7.1 I guessing) are invisible and cannot see themselves in 3rd person and also for me (and others) when we accuired gear like binoculars or hatchet (something at bottom of inventory) it pushed the primary gear slot the one for painkillers and morphine out and destroyed them. Hopefully you'll see this because the invisble thing effects player deaths and zombies cannot see you. Also the debug monitor does'nt work if invisible!