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Everything posted by zuentheman

  1. Version 0.3 (Alpha) Introduction Battleye Control Panel (BCP) is a new User-Friendly and powerful application developed to help admins manage their servers. This gives admins more control over their servers with a simple push of a button for most common used commands. It also have a console view where you can see all console messages and even send manual typed commands. BCP is made with Unity 5 (Yes a game engine) to allow future releases to mac/Linux and even Mobile! Imagine having a simple app on your phone at work to check what is going on, on all your servers! The current release is only supported for Windows users since it is still in Alpha. Features * Connect to multiple servers in one App instance. * Show players online with quick access to Chat/Kick/Ban and view their GUID and IP * Local player database with option to ban (GUID/IP) plus add local comment * View comments on players that are online * Full player search functionality * Full ban search functionality * Ban list * Control window for common used commands * Send global messages. * View server in-game chat * Console window to view messages received from battleye plus send manual commands * Copy player GUID and IP's by clicking on them * Clean UI display Screenshots Screenshot - Server List Screenshot - Add Server Screenshot - Player List Screenshot - Player Info Screenshot - Controls Screenshot - Ban List Instructions For first time users: * When opening the program you will see a window with the option - "Add New Server" (Click That!) * Make sure to type in your servers name (or any name you would like) with it's ip/port and password. * Once you add a new server. The server details will be locally saved so that the next time you can easily just connected to your server. * Now make sure to click on the "connect" Button next to your server name. Once it shows "Disconnect" it means you are connected to the server. * Click on the server name to view all its details. * At the top you will see the Server name with arrow buttons on each side. If you are connected to multiple servers you can click these arrows to switch between each server. (Optionally: You can use the arrow keys (Left/Right) on your keyboard to switch between each server) * Below that on the left you will see a Navigation menu with the following options (Players/Controls/Console/Bans/Admins) You can click on each button to view it's details. (Optionally: You can use the keyboard keys 1-5 to switch between these windows) * On the right side you can see the server chat and below that the option to type a global message to the server. * At the very bottom you will see a large button named "Servers". You can click that to go back to the server list to Connect/Disconnect/Select/Remove/Add a server If these instructions failed to help you understand. Please let me know ASAP! Bug Report Please post all bugs found whilst using this App. For better bug tracking. Please make sure to post detailed descriptions such as: * Can the bug be reproduced? * What were you doing when the bug occurred? * Has anyone else found this bug? Donate Donations are only optional for those who would like to support me (Developer). Note: BCP is currently in Alpha so expect to have UI glitches and bugs. Please do report all bugs below in this forum Topic! Note: My exe is not certified so it might be detected as malware from anti-virus programs. (Avast Internet Security did not detect it as malware) Download ..:: ChangeLog ::.. Version 0.3 Alpha (Update)
  2. zuentheman

    Battleye Control Panel (RCon Tool)

    Version 0.3 Alpha (Update) CHANGE: Ban List now shows IP and GUID in the same list. CHANGE: UI Revamp. Fixed the positioning / size / textures of UI CHANGE: Replaced textField to passwordBox for typing in server password CHANGE: You can now ban players permanently or fill in a day/hour/min box CHANGE: Path of stored server details is under C:\Users\{User Name}\Documents\Battleye Control Panel\FIX: Banlist search wont throw out duplicates. FIX: Fixed framedrop on player list longer than 20 FIX: Fixed a bug where resizing your window too fast will cause your computer to crash. Resizing the window will take up to 3 seconds to refresh its size. FIX: Fix switching between servers ADD: Player search Box Added with full search capability. ADD: Manual ban added to control window ADD: Player database Added with full search and control functionality ADD: You can add a comment to a player in database. ADD: If a player is online with a comment on him, an icon will be displayed next to his ID to show he has an active comment. CHANGE/FIX: Code has been cleaned up. I am not going to upload a video at the current time. Instead I will be showing a few screenshots as requested. :) I skipped version 0.2 release.