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Everything posted by butterpuddleonpc

  1. butterpuddleonpc

    Can't open DayZSA

    Been having problems with SA the last couple of weeks so I've had to run it administrator but now it's really broken. When I try and run it now it's giving me a new error message that I can't seem to fix please help:) http://gyazo.com/7fb218fae4c0f9335ea80073c620ce44
  2. butterpuddleonpc

    Can't open DayZSA

    Also new error message http://gyazo.com/d41f1cb85be70b2134cd1fc9c3e3d88b
  3. butterpuddleonpc

    Can't open DayZSA

    Yes I have tried to reinstall the game, no luck. Can't remember what the error was but two weeks ago I couldn't run DayZSA normal so I started using the DayZ.exe and running that as administrator. Sorry for the late reply :P