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About Valehin

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    On the Coast
  1. Valehin

    Arma 2 going insane?

    It couldn't fix them, and yes, I ran cmd in admin mode. And it says Access denied whenever I try to open the log.
  2. Valehin

    Arma 2 going insane?

    I'm using Advanced system care 8, id didn't have any problems with arma 2 before. The error popped up for the first time after my laptop ran out of power and shut down while playing dayz overpoch
  3. Valehin

    Arma 2 going insane?

    The 2 files are apisetschema.dll and wow64.dll, both are unblocked, I don't even get the option to block them. I also tried to reinstall vcredist, that didn't help. Forgot to mention, I can run arma 2, arma 2 OA without battleye, but I can't do it with battleye, as in, ArmA2OA_BE.exe spits this s*hit out. The error is "The application was unable to start correctly (0x000009a)"
  4. Valehin

    Arma 2 going insane?

    literaly, everything. From reinstalling, to wiping all data connected with arma 2. administrator privilages, compatability mode, manual BE install, verify integrity, driver check, the list goes on. It would be easier for you to suggest something, I did provide an immage of 2 eroors, let's start witht that. Any ideas?
  5. So, every time I try to launch Arma 2 OA, it gives me this. P.S. Every fix I've tryed didn't work. You name it, I've most likely tryed it. Also, I'll provide a screenshot