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Everything posted by shoobiestomper

  1. shoobiestomper

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    That would be pretty funny! Actually, traps in general would be cool!
  2. shoobiestomper

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Well, I don't know that for sure, but the game was so hyped that most people didn't want to wait until it was complete. Also, I didn't say I was certain. The word "seems" implies that. Sure, they'll probably sell many more copies, but I truly think that the bulk of their sales are behind them. I guess they will have to draw most of their revenue from events.
  3. shoobiestomper

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Yep, still in development... has been for more than two years... still has a lot of the initial bugs... crazy, huh? I do wonder how they will finish the game because it does seem like they'll run out of funding before they do. I say this because it seems like everyone who wanted the game has already purchased it.
  4. shoobiestomper

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    I appreciate the tips, Barnabus! I have fell through a roof twice and it happened both times on top of the small office building.
  5. shoobiestomper

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    I think it's a little unfair to say that I was whoring loot. I was only carrying the AKM for the heck of it and I was planning on giving it and some other stuff to a friend. I see people more geared than this all of the time. I was also roleplaying. I've had bad luck with stashing stuff and it's not like I was expecting to fall through a roof...
  6. shoobiestomper

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Well, I'm finished with this game until they fix some of the issues... especially the desync. I was on a server by myself and I fell through a roof and died. I had four awesome guns and everything else one could want. This is ridiculous. Rest in peace, buddy.
  7. shoobiestomper

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    So it's more of an issue when a second weapon is in your hands?
  8. shoobiestomper

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    I thought I heard someone say something about drum magazines disappearing, but I cannot seem to find the post. Anyway, I just had an entire AKM vanish. I had it in my hands when I logged out to take a break and then I logged back in just now only to see that it has vanished. It have every attachment possible and it was pristine. I am so bummed. :-/
  9. shoobiestomper

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Will we ever be able to store a hunting knife in military boots?
  10. shoobiestomper

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Well, I have played quite a bit today and all of Elektro was full out loot explosions and the rest of the server seems to be normal. This was on the main server that I was playing on. Has anyone else witnessed this? Anyway, I am pretty excited for the new updates to come! :-) Do you guys know if items in the game have a hidden condition or is there just a percentage that an item will degrade when a zombie hits it?
  11. shoobiestomper

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    No, I wasn't reset, but I did die so I guess it's the same thing. :-/ I have seen a lot of loot explosions, too! That has to be what's causing it. There is one server that lags like crazy and the desync is horrendous...
  12. shoobiestomper

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Man, same here! I was on top of Rify last night and I was pretty well set, but I got worried because I started to lag so I joined another server. Well, I was on the other side of Rify in the water. I just called it a night. I logged in today only to find my legs broken and drowning. I removed all of my gear, but it was gone when I returned. I was just now in Cherno with a pretty decent amount of things (a rifle and a handgun) and a healthy character. I went to the top of a building and found a Mosin. I was about to pick it up and then I was dead. I am pretty sure that I fell through the roof because it was on a very low populated server... ugh. This game is so repetitive. The last handful of deaths have been from lag.
  13. shoobiestomper

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Thanks, man! It would be hard to tell if it's worn and not pristine... props to them! :-)
  14. shoobiestomper

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    My character was hot so I removed all of my clothing and went for a quick swim until I was soaked. Will I eventually dry after this or do I HAVE to sit by a fire? I think I am just wet right now. Oh, and has anyone else had the game freeze when trying to join a server? It has happened to me about five times now and I have to kill the game through the Command Prompt. Sometimes the new user interface doesn't show servers and I have to relaunch the game... anyone else having this problem? I have also noticed for myself that leather sewing kits and sewing kits now repair items to pristine condition. Is this a bug or is it intentional? I really like it! :-)
  15. shoobiestomper

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Well, it's too late now, but thanks for the advice! I'll give this a try next time! :-) I can't believe I didn't think about cutting it down... :facepalm:
  16. shoobiestomper

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Does this work even if it's not on the ground? It was like stuck in the bush...
  17. shoobiestomper

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Well, I learned something great today! I have recently died twice from falling and then I made a new character. I had him pretty geared, but I was REALLY low on food so I started dying from starvation. Anyway, I decided to stash all of my loot in a bush and just pick it up later. That didn't work so well. I was laying prone and looking directly at my backpack, but I couldn't pick it up. :-/ I even had netting.
  18. shoobiestomper

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    True that, bro! Oh, and I should also be extra careful when it comes to my surroundings. I had a nicely geared player with a Mosin, shotgun, and a Magnum... and then I fell off that darn ship. :-/ It's a great spot for loot, though!
  19. shoobiestomper

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Yeah, I guess I set myself up for that one given my avatar. I actually don't play Minecraft that much at all. I can't even remember the last time that I played it. Anyway, your comment made me laugh. I think I overreacted a bit. It was just very frustrating and I do wish that there were some repercussions to being a bandit. ^ Yeah, I am pretty new... I'll give you that. I've been playing for less than a month. Honestly, I probably need to be more cautious. I'm an outgoing person and I typically open up to anyone so I guess that makes for a bad DayZ player. Haha :-)
  20. shoobiestomper

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    I have a feeling that this game will die out before it's even finished...
  21. shoobiestomper

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Man, most people in this game suck. Actually, people are pretty awful in general. People use to communicate and be friendly all of time back in the old Xbox 360 days. The world is crap now and all people can do is bury themselves in their phones. I have been killed twice in the last 15 minutes. The first time was from a distance... I didn't even see the person. The second time was by a couple of guys. I saw the first one and my mic isn't working so I said, "Hey! My mic isn't working..." I put my hands up and then his buddy shoots me. What the heck? They didn't even respond to me. They need to make more of an incentive to NOT kill other players. This is so retarded. I should just go play Battlefield and wait for Survive the Nights to release...
  22. shoobiestomper

    How To Survive!

    How do you become energized and hydrated by eating apples? My character will be hydrated, but he will also be hungry and stuffed. How can I prevent that?
  23. shoobiestomper

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Well, I understand that part, but with that... do you think this is something the game NEEDS? It seems like wasted energy given how the game is right now... kill on sight. Haha :-) That was my first thought! "Hey, here I am... shoot me!" ;-)
  24. shoobiestomper

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    I think this proves my point in some ways. Why are they working on stuff like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DU2doCHux6w
  25. shoobiestomper

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    I definitely like how the zombies don't automatically wreck your stuff and I DEFINITELY like the stealthy aspect, but I really think their tracking should be reduced by a little. It really seems like they're following a scent or something. Also, the hunger needs to be slowed down a bit. I can definitely keep a player alive, but it's ridiculous having to eat so much. I don't think it's realistic at all. I also wish that you had the ability to rotate certain items for easier storage because it makes sense. I really wish they would stop adding features and just finish the game by fixing all of the bugs. The modding community could then take over because I think they could honestly do a better job in some ways... and people would still buy it. Look at Garry's Mod, Skyrim... oh, and that other big one... Minecraft!