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About shoobiestomper

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. shoobiestomper

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Yeah, I knew about the resets... I was answering someone else. I did read the status report... I was just reiterating. I also saw the video on Trello about the new zombies. :-)
  2. shoobiestomper

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    I'm sure they'll reset the characters because of all the loot issues. I honestly wish they would just wait until they have the zombies worked out to release another update... DayZ is a game based around zombies and it's extremely boring without them. I haven't played in weeks...
  3. shoobiestomper

    Server Install Tutorial

    Well, depending on what you are trying to do, DayZ Server Control Center is pretty simple. :-) http://dayzcc.org/
  4. shoobiestomper

    DayZ Mod

    EDIT: Never mind. :-)
  5. shoobiestomper

    Database Tutorial

    Haha :-) I suppose I had that one coming. It's ironic because I was just thinking about that website. Anyway, thank you! I wasn't really wanting to learn how to write scripts, but maybe I was just overthinking it and thus I didn't search for a scripting tutorial. The internet is such a broad spectrum of knowledge. It can sometimes be hard to find the right thing without some guidance. :-) EDIT: Thanks for moving my thread to the right place... sorry about that.
  6. shoobiestomper

    Database Tutorial

    Hey, guys! I was messing around in the database on my server (DayZ Server Control Center) and I realized that I don't know what most of it's for. I would like to learn more so that I can tweak it. I played on a server that had base building, walking zombies, and a custom spawn selection. It was really cool and I would like to add some similar things. Would any of you know of a good tutorial that explains what everything is for? Also, how do I get the debug monitor to show up? Thanks in advance! :-)
  7. shoobiestomper

    What is your favorite?

    Hey, guys! I've been playing for a little while and it's pretty fun, but it's a bit difficult to find loot on some servers. Anyway, I haven't played the mod very much... I've mostly played DayZ Standalone. With that being said, what is your favorite version of the mod thus far? Thanks and I look forward to your input! :-)
  8. shoobiestomper

    DayZ Mod

    Thank you! :-)
  9. shoobiestomper

    DayZ Mod

    I apologize in advance if this is a dumb question, but what is the mission file used for? I'm pretty sure that it's for servers, but I just want to make sure. :-)
  10. shoobiestomper

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    I found the black/red one and it definitely looks awesome! It'll be great when and if we get the pants to match. :-)
  11. shoobiestomper

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Yeah, it's very frustrating. I cannot even access the tires. :-/ Do any of you know what's up with Rify? Half of it is inaccessible and weapons are not spawning there like they once did. Also, have any of you had issues with improvised knives? I always have problems with them when I first craft them. If I try to move it, it takes up two slots and then I have to log out and log back in to fix it.
  12. shoobiestomper

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Well, I sorta tested that. I flipped a V3S and I tried blowing it up to see if that would just get rid of it in general, but I had no luck with that so then I just took off all of the tires. The server restart and all of the tires were replaced, but the truck was still on its side. I left it alone and did my thing. However, the next time I logged in... it was upright. I am thinking that someone else must have rammed it with their V3S, but maybe the second restart fixed it. Anyway, I was then able to drive it and what did I do? I wrecked it. Haha :-) I tried to fix it with a tire repair kit, but I couldn't even access the wheels. I stashed it in some trees and now the tires are fixed, but I certainly can't drive it. :-/
  13. shoobiestomper

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    I have a V3S that is COMPLETELY messed up. It appears to be fine, but it won't go past 5 km/h and I cannot do anything to the tires. Any ideas?
  14. shoobiestomper

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    How do you blow up a V3S?
  15. shoobiestomper

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Thank you! I saw that info about tents, but I didn't know if it was implemented yet. I'm also unsure about the time being reset if you access them. That's my thinking, too! I always see a few V3S's around the map. I searched it a bit, but no info was current. Fifteen sounds right since they are planning to increase it to thirty in the next experimental. They DEFINITELY drive better! I also like how you have to find a glow plug and truck battery. I hope those don't dissipate over time. Oh, and knowing that your V3S will be completely fixed and full of gas after a server restart is nice, too! I hope they add another way to flip them over, though. :-)