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SuNRaY (DayZ)

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Everything posted by SuNRaY (DayZ)

  1. SuNRaY (DayZ)

    Terrain in the game

    Hello. I want to apologize for any bad translation, because I do not speak very well English. I would like to propose some changes to the terrain. Traveling on Chernarus I thought that if there was a different terrain in different areas of the map that it would significantly improve its atmosphere and beauty. I know that this work is difficult but I think it's worth it. in arma II was a map entitled "Proving Grounds" and the area on this map is ideal atmosphere for Dayz Standalone. This area can be arranged what some military base such as a military base near the village of Nagornoe it is ideal. You can also put a few houses and the village. but more than half of this area must be flat fields for the beauty and atmosphere. as almost the entire territory of Chernarus is forests and hills. and this area would be very useful and would look very nice and most importantly atmospheric. and I want to add that this is similar to the area near the village of Kabanino but walk and take a closer look to these two cards and see the big difference. Unfortunately I can not attach a normal screenshots.