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Posts posted by Kiada

  1. Honestly, I can say this game taught me how to use a compass and a map. Even looking at the direction shadows are pointing! A lot of the problems you describe you're running into are bugs. Zombies walking and hitting through walls are obviously not intended. Learn to use the mechanics of the game to your advantage :) Zombies de-aggro very easily when you learn how. Yes, they hit hard. No, they don't ever have to hit you.

  2. The first rule of Chernarus: DO NOT get attached to your gear.

    You will lose it to server errors, bugs, zombies, other players, hackers, werewolves, aliens, mystics, sasquatch, lunar eclipses and unforeseen sinkholes. You will NOT KEEP YOUR GEAR LONG. Face it.

    FFS. I was sure I dodged that lunar eclipse, it took my M4A1 CCO SD!

  3. I find servers that have large active survivor clans to play on.

    - I play on "The League of Gentlemen" care bear servers


    I avoid an area if I hear gunfire.

    - I alt+F4 and soil my undergarments when I hear live rounds


    I wont go into a town if I see dead zombies or players.

    - I find empty servers


    I also think long and hard about entering an area that I did not trigger the zombies to spawn, obvious indication someone has been there recently.

    - I see zombies in a city and I allow my nubbin to shrivel in fear as I hover in anticipation over the escape key, remembering from muscle memory where the 'abort' button will pop up.


    I will typically set there for around 10-15 minutes watching and listening before decided to leave or go in.

    - I will cower in fear for 15 seconds until the intensity of the situation blows my mind and I have to exit the game in a rush of adrenaline..

  4. You've probably been killed by more hacks than you realise. Weapon spawning. Scripts that show all players on the map. This time one of the hackers decided to be a complete moron and kill everybody. There isn't many 'hackers' that condone this, usually 'hacking' is for creative fun.

    BI have never had as much traffic or pressure than they have had in the past few months. Hacking wasn't a massive problem - this mod has had so much hype it's more than any of the devs could have imagined.

    Trust me when I say a lot of hackers are getting global bans. It's quite fun to follow this stuff :) Especially when a ban wave goes out! But there's always *always* those very smart coders that keep their scripts and programs to themselves that the cheat-engine and game will never be able to detect.

    Luckily the people that nuke entire servers doesn't fit into this category. They're called 'script kiddies'. So wait it out, and hope Battleye can react quick enough to eliminate any public or paid for hacks.

  5. Yeah it'd be fun if you could put GPS trackers on vehicles. Only usable if you have already looted a GPS sat nav.

    It would be useful for:

    - Being able to hunt down vehicle thieves.

    - Baiting somebody to steal a vehicle and lead you to their camp.

    - Keeping track of group members for swift emergency evacuation.

    It would probably require an engine hack though so I'm unsure just how feasible this would be.
