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About Borna44

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    On the Coast
  1. Borna44

    What Will Happen To PVP in 0.55?

    I'm going ti give my non-subjjective opinion o. This. this game cant handle 1 zombie and i think the devs are being irrational and adding hordes, because when you go to hude in a buildig, not only that 1 will hack its self thru the wall but 200 will. Then you'll be in this cluster fuck of 200 zombie in a gas station.... And currently im having troubles killing one zombie and or even getting away with it, espically with a melee, if your staring a new life and you find 200 zombies what the fuck are you going to do. You canmt run because the zombies run as fast as you, you cat hide the zombies with magic well come thru walls, thzombies see thru walls with xray vision, if you try to fist fight em the other 199 will kill you in one secound. I think the devs are rushing this game by making it worse, they need to fix the zombies before adding other zombie features I love the fact that there are zombies but that yur pretty much skrewed. I do agree Dayz is turbung into call of duty and we do need to make zombies primary but not when its a cluster fuck. Also please fix the dying from falling 1 feet, i lost everythng, also diving into water also. Anither thing thay i would love to be fixed is the optimization ifs horrible i get 15 fps on my brand new 750 dollar PC on lowest settings,