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Everything posted by AeonicStorm

  1. AeonicStorm

    Unique ID's?

    Does DayZ use some sort of unique ID's outside of STEAM? Because, I played on my steam account on my friend's computer and dl'd ARMA / OA and then played DayZ and showed her the game. She loved it. So, I go home and play DayZ, but when she uninstalled the ARMA I installed on her computer, then bought ARMA on her steam and did the whole installation process (I walked her through every step), she logs in and she has MY characters hunger/humanity/items etc etc - she's me. So... How do I make it so the DayZ servers recognize that I'm actually on MY PC now, and that my friend logging on her PC is a new and unique person and not 'me' again?
  2. AeonicStorm


    I ran steam on my friend's computer to show her DayZ. Now, she bought the game and when she tries to play it boots her because I'm online and it's trying to use MY cd key for HER game. We checked our cd keys and they are different, but when she starts the game the servers are counting them as the same. HELP? We tried multiple uninstalls of everything. We even deleted the Key numbers for ARMA 2 : OA found in registry. Helping me fix this problem will help future people. Especially when we go to our friends and show them this game that makes them want to spend 30$ on ARMA
  3. AeonicStorm


    Can anyone help me?
  4. No matter what I do with the video settings it does not fix this problem. I have smooth frame rate in everything but high and very high, but the problem I'm having is it'll be smooth as ice and then every 10s or so it will freeze for 1-3 seconds. It's not a huge issue, and I've played the game for two days just 'dealing' with it. But, I can imagine having worked hard to get some nice things and that freeze happens while I'm piloting something or suddenly going prone->standing up / AND OR / shooting my gun off when the freeze stops (I've done both before and gotten zombies to attack me) So, here's my dx.diag. I've also tried updating drivers and everything and they say I'm up to date etc. The DX.DIAG file is below
  5. AeonicStorm

    CAbuilingParts error

    " I try to log in and it says i have a CAbuilingParts error, then it kicks me when i enter" Says my friend. Please halp xD Help :D
  6. AeonicStorm

    CAbuilingParts error

    She tried uninstalling ARMA : OA for the fourth time, uninstalling SIX, and then re-installing everything, running OA to menu, then running SIX. It still gives her CABuildingParts error then it boots her from server. How to fix? If you help me, there will be great things for you in the after life.
  7. Let me explain the situation to give would-be fixers an insight into my problem. ========== I downloaded ARMA 2 and ARMA 2 OA on Steam, ran both games first, then installed SIX Updater suite, then ran DayZ mod from SIX Launcher. The game worked just fine (albeit a bit laggy framerate wise because of 1.7 I suspect), and I was having no real issues with the game. Then, I started getting all my friends into the game. Some of them outright bought it, but a few said I didn't have to buy the ARMA bundle game to play DayZ. So, I figured that I just bit the bullet along with a few of my friends. So, I was at my friend for the weekend and decided to play DayZ on her computer. Well, I logged into my steam on her computer and downloaded it and everything, did the whole process. But, when I logged in, it was my character's information (I could tell by the humanity and how cold he was) but it was her physical character spawning in a new area. We then tried to play together and whoever logged on second killed the first person and logged in behind their corpse. So, we just bought the game for her on HER steam account, because we both felt the mod was worth the cost x2. Now, we both have our own steam accounts with our own versions of ARMA 2 and ARMA 2 OA, and we have both ran the whole installation process twice (we've tried a full uninstall of everything), but we're getting a couple of errors. ONE : BattleEye script restriction #16, I log into a server through SIX Launcher and it tells me that and boots me out. TWO : Bad version, server connection rejection is an error she's been getting. Ultimately, the problem was not something I ran into before when I had the game just on my cpu and hadn't ever played my account on another computer. Both our computers are top notch comps with Windows 7. We can run DayZ in high settings etc etc. Having no graphical issues or hardware issues, it's 100% software. Please HELP She was finally able to join a game but even though she uninstalled the game that I downloaded on her computer and bought ARMA 2 / OA and installed it to her computer so it's as if she was getting the game for the first time, she's unable to create a character : When she finally got into a server that didn't say "Bad version" and boot her out, her character was a male and had the same items as my character when I logged off and was just as cold, hungry, thirsty. She hasn't beeen able to choose male/female for herself yet etc etc. HELP I would have to say the MAJOR issue is that she is joining servers AS me but she's not on my steam or my SIX launcher account or anything. Hell, we're using two games bought and paid for separately. I've looked everyone, and I usually find these things quick, but I don't know how to fix it. I've tried everything from full clean uninstall and re-install and so forth. Any help would be great Bump it up
  8. AeonicStorm

    CAbuilingParts error

    Bump for the orphans.
  9. AeonicStorm

    Incredibly low FPS

    Don't do ANYTHING until you go to this link and follow these instructions : http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=16100 I almost replaced my computer because of this issue vs. how awesome DayZ is.
  10. AeonicStorm

    CAbuilingParts error

    PLAZ HALP :D , I've solved like 7 issues and really worked my butt off in this troubleshootin' stuff. But, alas, I can't remember what the solution to this was! D=
  11. AeonicStorm

    FPS hiccup every minute

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=16100 Go there. I had the same issue. This issue almost made me pull out my retirement to buy a oil-cooled alien ware just so I KNEW FO' DAMN SHO' that shit wouldn't happen. But, 5 hours of constant troubleshooting and this solution linked above worked wonders for me .
  12. AeonicStorm

    Smooth F/R but every 10s freeze (Graphics)

    I'm going to try this fix. I'll follow up after All I can say is wow. Gamebooster. Someone needs to e-mail these assholes and tell them they're amazing. I'm running at very high now with 100% 3d resolution (turned off antisopic or w/e and antialising and shadows) but I run at twice maybe three times the resolution I was running on VERY LOW before. Not to mention I'm running pandora and team speak 3... I've seen it lock up for half a second once. Consider this problem FIXED twice, three times the FRAME RATE.. sorry.. I'm excited
  13. AeonicStorm

    Smooth F/R but every 10s freeze (Graphics)

    I played the original ARMA : CO game on a few single player scenario's and I didn't have ANY lag what-so-ever, including those little freezes. But, then again, there wasn't a bunch of things constantly being added to the map (like zombies). I played another CO mod and didn't lag as much, but the freeze happened every so often (not as often as with DayZ). So, my dx.diag is in the original post, or if you just want to know Nvidia GeForce 260M for Laptops is my video card, and I want to know: Why no matter what I do with the video graphics in DayZ does my game freeze for a second or two every fifteen seconds or so? Not to mention my framerate is babyass smooth in-between the sudden freezes.
  14. AeonicStorm

    Smooth F/R but every 10s freeze (Graphics)

    Now that we only get a flashlight and the survival curve has completely skyrocketed, lagging while you're crawling through a town with a flash light and suddenly standing up only to have zombies maul you is one of the most frustrating thing I have ever experienced with gaming >.
  15. AeonicStorm

    Question on two copies / cd key

    I PM'd you McTittles
  16. AeonicStorm

    Smooth F/R but every 10s freeze (Graphics)

    I'de still like to fix this issue, it appears I'm not the only one with this problem. I included my dx.diag in the original post
  17. AeonicStorm

    Question on two copies / cd key

    I have the cd key issue as well. Except, my and my friend want to play on separate computers/ips/locations/ etc. We also have two complete different steam accounts and steam bought copies of ARMA. Except, when I got her interested in the game I logged onto my steam on her cpu and played it on her cpu. Now though, when she tries to log into ARMA through her steam (after uninstalling my version and installing her bought version through steam) she logs in and IS me. So, she can't make a new character because I think my cd key is in the registry on her pc for dayZ Fix?
  18. AeonicStorm

    Smooth F/R but every 10s freeze (Graphics)

    I've tried every variation of the advanced options.
  19. AeonicStorm

    Smooth F/R but every 10s freeze (Graphics)

    I read somewhere it has something to do with BIOS or something. Like strings of operations going out and the game ARMA not being coded correctly to demand more 'highways' of code, so it tries to squish a lot through and things bunch up sometimes. Just a theory, I haven't begun work on my bachelors in technology yet.. so yeah haha
  20. Soo, joining servers and I get booted after the load up for Battleye script restriction #16
  21. AeonicStorm

    Unique ID's?

    She gets off work in an hour and half, I'de like to have a resolution :D
  22. AeonicStorm

    Unique ID's?

    Thanks guys/girls for the help, when she gets off work I'll run her through it. Eeek, well I found it but this is what I see Donno if you can see the left very well. It says [ab] (default) REG_SZ (Value not set) when I click on it nothing happens
  23. AeonicStorm

    Unique ID's?

    That could possibly work. So, because I installed it first on her cpu from MY steam, it used MY cd key and put it in the registry. When uninstalling ARMA it doesn't clear registry like that? I'll try to find it in my own registry to see how I would change it I don't know where to look, in hindsight.