While playing DayZ the game will often, (Sometimes more often than others) stop everything, and go into a loading screen that says, "receiving" in the top left hand corner. The game is still running, and I can usually still hear what's going on around me. But, I am unable to react to it. This has been happening for quite a long while now. Even with the new update that has been released, it still continues. I'm wondering if there is anything I can try to fix this problem? Here are my computer specs if it could provide any usful information. https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/user/kcin_77/saved/4zp2FT The only part that is different is the video card, the new one is a Radeon R9 270x DirectCU 2 2GB Just a note as well, the receving screen would happen with the old card as well. Many thanks!