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About CellularArrest

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    On the Coast
  1. CellularArrest

    New zombie AI not fun.

    I know this has been posted a million times, but.. This game isn't fun anymore. New zombie AI is not fun. Might as well run through town, they're gonna aggro on you anyway. Stole this from reddit because it pretty much sums it all up. "Here's my thoughts on the current build: Zombies aren't fun to fight. They zig zag with the glitchiest pathing, and you're almost forced to let them close in on you (and risk getting hit), so you can get a decent shot off in their attack "animation". Add to this their wonky hitboxes (lunging indoors from yards away and hitting you, despite taking plenty of killshots) and they are a huge annoyance. It was not a big deal up until now because zombies were avoidable and dealing with them was your "punishment" for making a mistake or being careless. Zeds do not aggro on mistakes now, they just aggro. Through buildings, behind walls, across the map... it is inevitable that you will be fighting them; might as well sprint through town and glitch them out through/on structures, while doing a mad grab of any loot you can find. This isn't what drew us to DayZ."