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Everything posted by Mizzou60

  1. Mizzou60

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    I've been seeing this as well. I trolled a couple zeds to get the following vids and ended up seeing the new zombie animation which I hadnt seen before. Sorry if the vids dont load. This will be my first attempt at uploading videos https://youtu.be/tEb0dd0sVt4 https://youtu.be/kwqFbM0uNn0
  2. Mizzou60

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    I logged into a NY public server and it was raining ! I got soaked. Raincoat and wellies used to be a priority now I need to find a reliable place out where gorka's spawn. I saw a pig just outside of Msta and it was making goat noises. I didnt bother shooting it because I've got more food than I know what to do with. I'm actually throwing food out to make room for, what used to be, less valuable items. The crawling injured zombies are frigging cool. I hit a military zed in the head with an ax and he went straight down. I started to walk away and I got hit. I thought "dammit, I'm getting hit by the invisible zombie ghost", but when I looked down he was laying on his belly and pawing at my knee caps. I backed off to see if it was a glitch but he just crawled forward and kept attacking. I kept backing off and stayed just out of range to admired the new addition but since I was in tent city I could not loiter very long and finished him with another ax chop. Very cool. Too much loot in this build. I was heavily geared and energized within an hour of spawning. Within three hours I had a decent camp established and a truck. Much too easy. Not being able to jump with a weapon in hand really sucks a bunch, If you double carry and are trying to avoid something (player or zed) you will have to double back to retrieve it. Me no likey Lots of new glitches to get used to but I'm glad to be playing stable.
  3. Mizzou60

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Yes, US East 0-1. 50/50 players. Got to wait in line if you want to ride the ride.
  4. Mizzou60

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    I found an SVD magazine with 10 rounds of 762, but no gun :(. Lucky for me I had a mosin with no ammo :D. Today was a good day.
  5. Mizzou60

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Nice!! I am looking for a flare gun. Do you put the flare gun in your inventory the drag the rifle to it or how does that work?
  6. Mizzou60

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Interesting, when servers come up I will experiment.
  7. Mizzou60

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Storage glitch. I found two high capacity vests, put one on and put the other in my pack. As I continued to loot I eventually used up all of my inventory slots. I came across some ammo and clicked on “take” option when I hovered my reticle over it. I looked at my inventory and the ammo wasn’t there so I thought it was a glitch. The “take” option appeared on several items I came across so I continued clicking it but nothing would appear. At a safe location I decided to organize my inventory and when I dropped the spare vest I noticed all the items I had clicked on, that never appeared, were in it. I thought to myself “cool, extended storage” but it became a little annoying. You cannot put a vest containing items into your inventory but if you put the empty vest in first, you can fill it by double clicking or use the “take” option. However, you cannot drag and drop. The annoying part comes when you have something in your hand and available slots in your spare vest. The dropped item will go to your free slots. Example: I’m carrying a mosin on my back and an MP5 in my hand. If I open my inventory and click the X to drop the MP5, it will go to the open slots of the spare vest instead of the ground. Same happens when I try to eat, climb or use an object. Where it becomes irritating is that you cannot access the items inside the spare vest while it is in your inventory (only gives the “inspect” option not the “view contents” option). You must drop it on the ground to retrieve your weapon (or whatever item) then completely empty the vest before returning it to your pack, then reload it with all the gear you had to dump. BTW, items will not begin to fill the spare vest until all your normal inventory slots are full (ie…you cannot fill the vest with low value loot just to keep your usual slots available. I don’t know if this applies to other containers or clothing items with pockets and I haven’t done any extensive experiments as my goal right now is to get looted up and get a camp established but I will post new findings as I figure them out.
  8. Mizzou60

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    I saw this last time I was in Svetlo but its just that the block foundation around the buildings didn't generate for some reason. Pretty funny how you can walk completely under the church and see everything inside but cannot get in through the front door. Hopefully they'll get this fixed soon.
  9. Mizzou60

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Do Mosins still use the 7.62x54 rounds?
  10. Mizzou60

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Yes. I ran into a random guy yesterday and we decided to roll out to NWAF together. While in the wilderness he said he had to stop and eat because he was orange hungry and pulled out a gas stove, a pan and started cooking. I could see the flame on the stove so I know it was working and when he was done he said he was good to go.
  11. Mizzou60

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Check out my zombie conga line. The most zeds I was able to pick up was eight before they started wondering off at the back of the line. I started at Novo and marched ‘em all the way down to the Solnichniy before I died of starvation. Funny thing, I was on a full server and had several people attempt to save me from what they thought was a helpless bambi being swarmed by a horde. I would have to shout out for them not to hurt my pet zombies. Some guys would even line up next to me and jog alongside laughing at what I was doing. I would tell them that this is my squad and we’re out on maneuvers or that these were my family members before the apocalypse and I love them too much to separate ties. The bazaar thing is that no one killed me!! I stayed at jogging speed for about two hours up and down the streets of every town I came through and only one guy even took a shot at me (he thought I was bringing them towards him). I told him “stop shooting” and after following me for a while and observing at a safe distance he ran up alongside and kept pace for a bit then went off about his business. I never geared up and was in my fresh spawn outfit the whole time which is probably why no one lit me up. Either that or they were afraid if they put me down then they would have to contend with the horde. This was defiantly one of the best social experiments that I’ve done. I must have come across 10 different random survivors and besides the one guy, no attempts on my life. Talk about strength in numbers. BTW, this many zombies make a $hit ton of noise. Weird thing is that there were hardly any zombies about. It took a long time to round up these few. I’m going to try this again when 57 goes stable and see how many I can recruit and run thru Electro and Cherno. Does anyone know how often U.S. servers restart on 57?
  12. I’ve got a few noobie questions, which at this point in my experience I should know the answers to, but either I didn’t pay attention or learned and forgot. I was hoping some of you more helpful members could enlighten me. I know there are some sour heads out there whose default answer is “search the forums”, but fact is when you type in a search it shows results for anything which has ever had that phrase in it. Not only do you have to fumble through hundreds of posts but a lot of them reference oudated information which no longer apply to the current build, so in regards to version .55…. 1. What exactly happens when a server restarts? Besides respawning zombies, sending my truck back to where I last got out, changing the clock time, and undoing the last five minutes of my gameplay, why must all servers restart several times a day? 2. Do bear traps/land mines work on zombies? 3. Is it an option that the server admin can change the countdown login time? I know two servers who have 30 second timers while others typically have a 60 second. Ive seen videos where people have to wait 300 seconds. 4. Do civilian tents still exist? I haven't seen one since the tent splosion when 55 was released. I have seen military tents but no civilian. 5. Do M4s only spawn at heli crash sites? In all the military locations I’ve looted Ive never seen an M4 in the wild. Only the ones carried by other players. 6. Can you eat worms without getting sick? 7. Can you eat raw meat without getting sick? 8. I drove a truck into the water and flipped it. When the server restarted it was floating above where I rolled it. I swam out, got in, started it and it sank then flipped. Whenever the server restarts I go check and there it is floating on the water. When will it stop appearing on the water and start spawning in a designated truck spawn point? 9. Are helos still only spawning in the same four locations? 10. I found a building that has a noclip wall. Where a wall appears to be you can walk right through it without the use of any manipulation techniques. Its not in a populated area and has very little strategic advantage. Great place for a stash but I’m worried I may be considered a wall glitcher and be banned. Would this be grounds for banning? 11. Does anyone want to give me a fully kitted M4 (preferably butt first) Thanks all
  13. Update: Worms are like pond water, if you eat them when your starving you will get sick but if your energized you will be fine. I ate a handful while energized and nothing happened then later ate some when I was yellow hungry and received “funny taste in mouth” message followed by sickness. I had to force myself to throw up twice before I began to see color again. BTW, worms provide very little energy almost no water so if your starving and find a shovel, leave the worms alone. Don’t make a bad situation worse. I set up a mine field and a bear trap field, round up a few zombs and funneled them through both fields several times. Nothing happened. A buddy of mine ran into the trap field and broke his leg. I ran into the mine field and nothing happened. The only way I was able to get the mines to explode was to scroll over one and activate it, then it transported me to the beach.
  14. Mizzou60

    Schadenfreude Island

    Hey everyone, Like most people I thought the .56 update was going to be pushed last Wednesday so I decided to try and make Schadenfreude island for shits and giggles. I've watched videos of others doing it so I I though I'd give it a shot. My first idea was to try and drive a truck out, like you can to prison island, but the ocean floor is too rough and I kept flipping it on its side. When the server restarts the truck would spawn floating above wherever it was wrecked so I just swam out, jumped in and tried again. Unfortunately you cant see very far under water so I would just end up flipping again. I decided to abandon the truck idea before running it off a cliff and killing myself so I opted for the long swim instead. I heard hypothermia was an issue in the game but with all the swimming I've done up to this point I hadn't had any issues with it. So I went to Skalisty Island built a fire and filled up on water. When I got HOT I set my direction to 106 degrees and took the plunge. about 15 minutes in I started to get cold so I activated one of my heater packs. Not sure If it did anything or not but at this point there's no harm in trying. At about 30 minutes in I'm red freezing so I activate my last heater pack. No land in site in either direction and Its clear I will not be returning to Chernarus in this body so I pushed on for science. How long can one swim before giving up the ghost? The answer is 41 minutes and 39 seconds. I don't know if the heater packs make any difference but before next Wednesday I'd like to try and collect twice as many and see if I can make it any further. I guess the fastest way to test this is try the swim without any heat packs to see if I get hypodermic before the 41 minutes. I assume hypothermia wasn't an issue in earlier versions which is how the island was accessible in the past. Does anyone know if the island is still there?
  15. Mizzou60

    Schadenfreude Island

    This sounds to be the most reasonable explanation because my friend and I have been trying, on multiple servers for two days, and have been unable to get more then half an hour out before a cold indication pops up on the dashboard. We then turn around, head back, get warmed up and try a different server (rinse and repeat). The day I made it to Schadenfreude I not only swam east without cold issues but just prior to that I swam the entire coastline from Svetlo to Skalisty without issues. I thought it might be server related but now I'm getting cold warnings on that same server. The only other big difference was the character had died from thirst on the return trip. Its possible that the character its self had the glitch when it was generated. I wish I could figure it out because we were trying to set up a military tent and establish the first Schadenfreude outpost before the wipe. I think I'm through with swimming for a while, I'm going to go back to getting KOS'd. BTW, you can drop stuff from your inventory in the middle of the ocean and it will appear in the vicinity screen. you can pick it back up or even swap items with another players. Neat trick but I cant think of a situation where it would be useful.
  16. Mizzou60

    More than anything

    I've had this happen to me as well but it only occurs on high pop servers. If i run on a low pop sever, I don't hear it. It is very annoying.
  17. Mizzou60

    Skalisty Island recources?

    I know nothing of forestry, I just know this tree produced a ashwood stick.
  18. Mizzou60

    Schadenfreude Island

    If you decide to make the swim keep an eye on your warning icons. If you get a yellow cold indication turn back. It will escalate to hypothermia. If your going to get this icon it will be within the first 15 minutes of the swim. When I made my successful swim I never got any cold indication icons, only cooling off messages.
  19. Mizzou60

    Schadenfreude Island

    My trip began during daylight hours but it got dark as I swam out. I just made the trip the other night and yes it was .55. No my friend wasn't wearing a vest. Are vests glitched? I am currently doing water experiments to try and figure it all out but there doesn't seem to be a set pattern. I believe its a server thing but I'll post more if I stumble upon something tangible.
  20. Mizzou60

    Skalisty Island recources?

    The tree which produced the ashwood stick was on the east side near the ship wreck.
  21. Mizzou60

    Schadenfreude Island

    yes, that is correct & wellies.
  22. Mizzou60

    Schadenfreude Island

    Ok everyone, I've got a new update. A friend of mine set out to the island this morning and began to get hypothermic within 30 minutes and had to turn back. He was outfitted with all water resistance gear but still got the chills. I went over to the server he was on and sat in the water a while and I also got cold indications on my inventory dashboard. Im now begining to think its not the gear your wearing but the server your on (or maybe both). I did notice on his server I could see my breath as my character moved around the map but didnt have that on mine. In the morning I'm going to go for a swim on my server with normal clothing and see if I get cold indications.
  23. Mizzou60

    Schadenfreude Island

    I died of thirst on the swim back :( Hope I spawn close to my gear.
  24. Mizzou60

    Schadenfreude Island

  25. Mizzou60

    Schadenfreude Island

    I'll try to upload some images but I've not been successful in doing this in the past. Here are two as I got closer. IMGUR has time limits on loading images so I have to wait until enough time elapses before I can post more. Hope this works.