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Everything posted by Judged_Guitly

  1. Judged_Guitly

    Trading Post

    Very good. Glad you got the hook up. Looking forward to seeing your next project.
  2. Judged_Guitly

    Trading Post

    Hey Tatanko, I've got the items your requesting. PM me the area where you lasted surfaced and if its not too far I'll get it over to you. Cheers.
  3. Judged_Guitly

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    Yes, has happened to me three different times already. I have logged out geared up and when logging back in I spawned without clothes or my backpack. I do however still have my skate helmet, primary weapon, arm band and gloves. Everything else is gone. I deleted all my game files and reloaded from scratch. Dont know if that will do anything but I thought it might be worth a try. Ive gone through the forums regarding this bug on 60 stable and there are others experiencing the same issue. If it happens again I will submit a bug report.
  4. Judged_Guitly

    Trading Post

    I feel your pain brother, this has happened to me three different times as well. I have spent hours gearing up and when logging back in I spawned without clothes or my backpack. I do however still have my skate helmet, primary weapon, arm band and gloves. Everything else gone. This is getting old fast.
  5. Judged_Guitly

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Server crashed while looting a Helicopter crash site I was transitioning from Severograd to Gorka when I stumbled across a luck find. A Russian Heli in the field east of Devils Castle. I’ve never seen a crash in this spot even though I know it’s a designated spawn point. I was in the process of looting the crash when the server suddenly went down. I re-logged as soon as I could and once back in the game the Heli had vanished but all its loot remained on the ground. An added bonus; all the gear I had picked up before the server went down had duplicated allowing me to loot it a second time. I manage to get some 1911 mags and a couple Eastern suppressors and even an AK, which I later dropped due to lack of ammo. It was an interesting event so I thought I’d share. Warning: It was night time and I used the “Shadow Time” recall feature from the Shadowplay software to capture the video but if your familiar with this program you know how poorly it handles low light situations. I tried to brighten it with Sony Vegas but I have very little experience with the software so the video turned out like crap. Even though it’s a shitty video I wanted to provide proof of the experience so I added it here.
  6. Judged_Guitly

    What's the point of small cases?

    The main reason I use plastic cases and the small drybags are to make transferring items much simpler. Have you ever switched backpacks in a dangerous area or unloaded your pack into a barrel after a loot run? Moving those one slot items takes up too much time but by using the drybags/cases you can move 6 items at once. I find it very convenient.
  7. Judged_Guitly

    Login Animation

    How does everyone feel about the logout animation? 99% of the time I don't have any issue with it because I try to log out in a safe place but, there have been times when I thought it was safe and the next login I'm on the beach. Maybe the animation didn't have anything to do with it or maybe it contributed to a stalkers/snipers final decision. If you’re in a situation where you have to leave the game because of a “real world” issue, there's that small sense of worry when logging that someone might have spotted you because your character does this excessive amount of unnatural movement. Would it be problematic just to go prone and stay that way or a maybe even a single kneel-til-gone? The whole squat sit squat stand is a bit over telegraphed, which I understand can help deter combat logging, but when you think no one else is around it could be a waving flag saying "take me I'm helpless". I just wanted to hear how others in the community felt about it and maybe some alternate ideas.
  8. Judged_Guitly

    Report tab???

    A couple weeks ago I reported a malicious post to a forum administrator and he ask me to use the "report tab" next time I came across this type activity. I'm unclear where this report tab is. Is he referring to "Bug reports" under DayZ-PC heading or the Feedback tab at the top of the main page? Thanks
  9. Judged_Guitly

    Report tab???

    That's possible but its also possible that I just pulled a stupid card from the deck. Sometimes I just cant get out of my own way, especially after a few tasty beverages.
  10. Judged_Guitly

    Login Animation

    Yes, like I said in my post, I understand the combat logging issue, I just wondered if anyone else had other thoughts about it. Topics seem to be coming at a crawl these days and I was hoping the help promote some conversation.
  11. Judged_Guitly

    Report tab???

    if it had been a snake it would have bit me. Thanks.
  12. Judged_Guitly

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    How do you expect us midgets to get our Bean King status? This guy is on a fast track and he's not the only one. I've seen guys get their Bean King in record time over here. (kidding, sorta)
  13. Judged_Guitly

    Imagine if you will

    Imagine if the drivable vehicles in Chernarus looked just like the static ones and all vehicles spawned randomly. No matter where you went you would always be compelled to check every vehicle to see if you’ve discovered a keeper. You could be rolling past a parking lot and find that one of the many derelicts was actually a fixer. Wouldn’t that be nice little treat? Kinda like the bus is now. It looks like the other non-drivable buses except we know where static buses sit, but once in a while I’ll turn a corner and think to myself, was there a bus in that spot before? Granted its only a split second but for that quick moment I’m a little excited.
  14. IMO I don't think we should get too far into the weeds with magically erecting giant walls of steel or big cement igloos because this is supposed to be a degraded society and the technology we’re utilizing not only has a limited capacity but also requires certain training. How many of you could go to a shipping yard right now and retrieve the materials it would take to build a base 20 miles away with the knowledge you currently have? I also understand for gamesake we have to suspend disbelief and pretend were all highly trained engineer/warriors so there must be a fine line for an embellished reality. Okay, give them the ability to make a castle but give me the tools to breach it. Give me claymore mines to defend my bunker but implement the flame thrower that can barbecue my ass. Tip for tap but we should still keep one toe firmly grounded in reality. I think base building is a slippery slope and has the potential to be a nightmare. If you’ve ever played ARK and you walk around the island there are all these massive structures in strategic locations while the rest of the map is littered with half built cabins and abandon walls. It completely ruins the ambiance of the game. I don’t know what the best solutions are but from a lone wolf survivor type (probably the minority of the DayZ community) I hope they offer more options to the admins so we can choose the server which best supports our play style. I don’t like the idea of following the deathmatch community just because that’s where the majority money comes from. The squeaky wheel always gets the grease.
  15. I will probably build small cabin on a low pop server just to go through the experience but in typical game play I will be a minimalist. A barrel or two for resupply then back into the field. If they develop the possibility for burying containers then that will be my preferred choice. I used to build stone ovens and keep gear in them but now they despawn in about 30 minutes so that option has been made useless. I would do the car thing like Emu does but even cars are fairly easy to spot. Not as obvious as tents but still pretty noticeable. I guess when base building is fully implemented I will take up the profession of Raider. I will be the gnat in the ear of the clans.
  16. The bigger your base is, the easier it will be to find. I'll stick with barrels.
  17. Judged_Guitly

    North Military base

    Did they remove the pit at the military base north of Severograd? The one with the ladder you could go down? I saw a pit in the SE corner with a grate over it but there used to be one you could access.
  18. Judged_Guitly

    North Military base

    Well I wonder why they did that? Not that it was important but it was a unique spot.
  19. We're all hanging out at Zelenogorsk. I've been looking for and SVD, come on up and try your luck.
  20. Judged_Guitly

    Ruined Backpacks

    It may not give you protection but if you dont have one, pick that $hit up. Besides, a ruined condition offers better camouflage. I wish you could intentionally degrade certain items like pants because the pristine condition has a little bit of a shine that I dont care for.
  21. Judged_Guitly


    The first day I got into a 60 server I spawned in Kamy and ran up the hill behind the police station to check the deerstand going towards the COM tower. When I got about half way up I saw five deer stuck in the walking animation. I walked amongst them and thought about killing one but did not have a knife to carve the meat. I was tripping because I've never seen deer that close to the coast. I took some video but it was night time so it turned out like $hit. I ended up just leaving them there because I was Tisy bound and in a hurry. Other than that I have only seen chickens. LOTS of chickens.
  22. Judged_Guitly

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    I was joking but the reason 55 was appealing was because thats when food was super rare and it really felt like a survival game. Although a lot of people bitched about it being a apple picking simulator, I found the difficulty challenging. It only lasted a week or so before they lifted the loot embargo and it went back to easy mode. IMHO it was the best build since I started playing back in version .30.
  23. Judged_Guitly

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    I vote we roll back to .55
  24. Thanks for the post. I'll give it a try next time I get logged in to the game. I'll be sure to share my results once tested.
  25. Judged_Guitly

    My experience with 0.60

    Imagine if there were two clubs side by side and they both had really long lines except the line to the first club had nothing but pissers and moaners whining about how their clicky finger hurts from trying to gain access but the line to the second club was full of people who socialized in a positive way about the good experiences they had and were excited about their next opportunity. I get it, venting makes you feel better but christ-all-mighty, post something original or at least attempt to entertain with your criticism. I'm all for reading hate mail and stirring up controversy but make it worth reading. Give it some POP god damn you! Oh yeah, the second club doesn't exist. It was just a figure of my under active imagination.