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Everything posted by Judged_Guitly

  1. Judged_Guitly

    Trading Post

    Has anyone seen a pair of pristine white leather shoes? I need a pair to complete my ensemble.
  2. Judged_Guitly

    Trading Post

    Meet with Mookie. Good guy and I expect to be trading with him again.
  3. Judged_Guitly

    Trading Post

    I just found 308 ammo in the trunk of a static car. I also see civilian long guns in the tall COMM towers at the NWAF. As recent as this morning. I do agree they seem to be less common.
  4. Judged_Guitly

    Trading Post

    Meet with Berrett for a trade and all went well. Good trade, good guy.
  5. Judged_Guitly

    Trading Post

    I was going to set up a trade with you but I just came out on the loosing end of a firefight and lost all my goodies. I will take some time for me to regear. Hopefully you'll still have that holster but if not, I understand.
  6. Judged_Guitly

    Trading Post

    Im looking for a pristine holster for a plate carrier. If you have one we can do some trading.
  7. Judged_Guitly

    Trading Post

    Completed a trade with Stoner69. Quick, to the point and all went well.
  8. Judged_Guitly

    Base Raiding Etiquette

    Typically I dont take anything from someones stash unless I'm in really bad shape. My approach is to mark down all my discoveries for a backup plan if I do fall into hard times. I am currently tracking 5 bases that I have found and several single barrels scattered throughout the map. I even contribute to some bases if they are strategically located in my stomping grounds. I recently added a lot of gear to a base I found then left a note with my steam ID in hopes of gaining an ally. If you raid a camp they will abandon it but if you keep an eye on it they will continue to build up and you can come back later for the pick-of-the-litter. If I come across a dupper camp I take appropriate actions but it has to be blatantly obvious before I toss it.
  9. Judged_Guitly

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    I agree, The last thing this community needs, in its declining popularity, is to drive away members. Especially those who inspire conversation. I hope to see him back at the table when things get a bit more stabilized.
  10. Judged_Guitly

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    I use Dayzspy and the steam overlay but I have found Dayzspy connectivity is unreliable. Steam overlay gives steam name and Dayzspy gives ingame name. I read that you can use Rt Shift+P but all I get is a blank template. Looks like it could be a place holder.
  11. Judged_Guitly

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    To the server hopper logging in on the sniper tower at the NWAF, YOU’RE WELCOME. I was going to take you to dead-town but decided to give you a reprieve. It was comical that you were stuck up there with nowhere to hide but since I was feeling generous, I didn’t pull the trigger. I was the guy that ran from the barracks to the officer’s hut below you but prior to that I had my scope on your gas mask while you were frozen in the login. That’s a stupid place to log out but if you’re looking for a rifle it’s a good place to find one.
  12. Judged_Guitly

    Where's FN FAL?

    I have seen SP-6 rounds at Russian heli crash sites.
  13. Judged_Guitly

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    Barrel persistence update. A couple weeks ago I posted a comment on my experiences with a few barrels I’ve stashed and I just wanted to give an update on their status. Each of these barrels had one common item placed inside them, were positioned on separate public servers and had no interaction except to view them in the vicinity window. 2 Barrels stashed on the 20th June 3 Barrels stashed on the 25th 3 Barrels stashed on the 29th 3 Barrels stashed on the 1st July All barrels still there with no inventory change. I will continue to update until they are stolen or despawn. I know this is kind of a dead topic but I’m simply documenting my experiment for those who may find it interesting.
  14. Judged_Guitly

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    Anyone want to see some freaky $heiot? On a public server go to any heli crash or vehicle spawn point then logout. Log into US public server TX 2-3. All crash sites are bugged and appear as multiple helicopters. If you go to vehicle spawn points you will see some crazy stacking of automobiles. You cannot wonder around freely because it will rubberband you back to your starting location but if you jog about 10 or 15 steps then stop and wait 10 or 15 seconds for the server to catch up, you can inch-worm closer to the attraction. The server has some mad lag and it’s been like this for over a week now. I don’t know who to inform to fix it and don’t care much because it has provided me with some unusual screen shots and videos. All these photos are from different crash sites. Helicopters and police cars do not spawn loot but derivable vehicles do spawn with car parts and tools. SCREENSHOTS HERE
  15. Judged_Guitly

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    Vid of second pouch find. Its dark and I use Shadow play so it pretty $hity but if it isnt documented it isnt done.
  16. Judged_Guitly

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    I might be a little lucky but Im not that frickin lucky. I'm positive the forums will be beaming with pouch finds this weekend.
  17. Judged_Guitly

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    I just found another set of pouches at the same crash site spawn point and an ammo box filled with 240 rounds of 5.56, so I guess you were right about the hotfix. Damn, I thought I was special.
  18. Judged_Guitly

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    I lost the pouches!!! I logged into a different server and the Winchester I dropped to take the pouches was back in my hands and I didn’t remember what server I was on when I found them. I tried server hopping to find that heli crash but the 90 second timer prevented me from hitting all the servers I play on before the chopper despawned. It sucks but at least NOW I know they exist on this build! PsyStormZ, you were right about those game files. Pat yourself on the back and give yourself a handshake, your suspicions are confirmed.
  19. Judged_Guitly

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    Quick pouch video. I'm going to log on to a low pop and get a better view of my discovery. I'll update then.
  20. Judged_Guitly

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    I FOUND POUCHES!!!! NATO crash site south of NWAF between Kabanino and the airfield. They were not attached to a plate carrier. I picked them up then ran off towards the NWAF. I realized that if I was spotted and shot, no one would believe me so I quickly logged and got the fuq out of Fukushima. Video of the find coming soon. It will take a bit to convert and upload it.
  21. Judged_Guitly

    Trading Post

    If anyone cuts a deal with Psystorm, your in good hands. Good guy and the trade went well.
  22. Judged_Guitly

    Trading Post

    You just cant get any love on that pristine SMERSH vest. I tell you what, if you cough up that SMERSH butpack I'll trade you for a my pristine SMERSH vest. I also have a worn vest but if I combine it with a pristine butpack it will degrade the vest so I dont mind lowering my standards this once. Also, I dont believe the pouches are spawning in this build. I haven't seen a single post, in any forum, verifying its existence. I hope I'm wrong but I doubt it. PM me if your interested.
  23. Judged_Guitly

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    Backpacks on the ground are not persistent through server restarts. Second time in a week that I’ve lost a load of valuable gear to a server restart. I travel with a mountain pack and when I come upon a lootable resource (town, crash site, other player) I’ll drop my pack of loot and assemble an improvised pack to complete the short run. When I’m finished I go back to retrieve my stash and push on. An hour ago I set down my full pack of gear and half way through my objective the server restarts and takes with it days worth of grinding. I’m so pissed! This also happened to me over the weekend but luckily I had just begun my run. So now I say good bye pristine FNX with RDS, silencer and two mags, goodbye pristine Magpul handguard, Goodbye M65 jacket(w), Hunting scope(p), antibiotics, 60 rnds 5.56(p), ACOG(p), 9v battery(p), FAL folding stock(p), box of 45 ammo(p), M67(p), landmine(p), 2 water bottles and other various food stuffs. Some of these items aren’t so rare but to find them pristine is what makes this sting so much. Whatever happened to server countdown messages? GOD DAMN all those wasted hours!
  24. Judged_Guitly

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    Try dragging the wanted hand guard to the empty inventory slot of the weapon. It will then give you the option to swap. There may be other ways to accomplish this but this has worked for me on M4's and AK's.
  25. Judged_Guitly

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    Has anyone else been experimenting with barrel persistence? I began collecting barrels on the 20th of June and placing them in various locations to observe persistence timers. It was my understanding that there was an 8 day countdown unless interacted with however my experience has been slightly different. On the 20th I placed three barrels on different servers and put in 1 apple each. I’ve checked on them every day but did no other interaction. After three days one barrel was stolen but the other two have remained. On the 25th I gathered three more barrels and also hid them on separate servers loaded with one rock each. Checked every day with no interaction and all three still remain. Collected three more on the 29th, hid on different servers and loaded with 1 stick each. I will report on the 8th the status of the last three. As of this morning my 20th and 25th barrels are still there and all I have done is view them. As far as I can tell persistence is either longer than what has been reported, a simple view in the vicinity window can be considered an interaction, or the laws of time are warped under the Chernarus pine trees. Any thoughts?