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Everything posted by j4nm4nn

  1. I´d really like to see one of the german G36 variants in DayZ. For example the G36C (picture) As a reason why the German G36 is in Chernarus you could add auxiliary packages which are thrown down by the Germans. On the picture you can see the old German "Transall C-160" dropping an auxiliary package.
  2. I'd like if the smersh backpack would be addable to the plate carrier.
  3. j4nm4nn

    One of the german G36 variants in DayZ

    I had no better idea how to bring the gun in the game
  4. j4nm4nn

    A new sniper rifle and a new LRS

    Maybe the M24. It could spawn at heli crash sites.
  5. j4nm4nn

    One of the german G36 variants in DayZ

    They want to support them so the virus doesn´t reach Germany.