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Nexcach lll

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Everything posted by Nexcach lll

  1. http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/32934-zelengorsk-trader-replacement-for-stary-trader/#entry213501
  2. AOWGaming Hey Guy's and Gal's, I Run an DayZ Overpoch Sever Fr You Pep's can have fun on you're off time i have worked hard on it.. And i would love to see More people on it and playing DayZ Mod more.. I dont want it too die :) SEVER INFO IP- OVERPOCH TS INFO IP- tsdal1.vilayer.com:4000 PASS- AOW We Have Really Good Admin's Which Some Are On Every Day We Are Hacker Free (Running the best anti hack out there) Some Stuff that i have done and put in the sever -Custom Debug -Custom Trader's -New Stary Trader (Is Now Zeleonagork Trader And Stary Trader is A player trading spot) -Kiwi's Construction Trader -Cender Walls -Cinder Door's -Cinder G Door's -Metal Floor -And MORE!! -Advan.. Selling -ESSV2 (Spawn Menu) -Donation System (Were You Dont hav to donate to get donating Perks) -Key Finder -Custom Base's -Player Loadout's -Custom Loadout's -Custom Base Spawn Location's -Free Refual -Rearm -Repair -Coin System -Indubitable Cinder Base's -Custom Mission -WAI Mission's -DZMS Mission's -Bandit Stronghold (WORKING ON) -Hero Stronghold (WORKING ON) (AND MUCH MUCH MORE)