Now I do have a lot of ideas i would like to share but in my eyes and i am sure of many others, I dont thing adding new things right now would be useful All i Suggst here is that you fix some of the following things that I have noticed: 1 - Fix the Zombies before you make them more difficult for players to kill. I would much rather be able to see the zombie running at me rather having it Jump 50 feet at strike me 20 times before i can actually hit it. 2 - Fix the First Person Peak please. IF the gun is pointing around the corner, let it shoot around the corner, not the wall. This has happened multiple Times. 3 - Add Noise for the Grenades bouncing off walls and being thrown. I am tired of sitting around waiting and not knowing when my flashbang goes off until i get hit by because i dont know how far i threw it. 4- Allow Arrows / Bolts to be retrieved from corpses. Thats the advantage of the Crossbow or Bow. those are some things i would like to see before new stuff. I know most of these more than likely have been said beforeand there is already a plan set for new things .this post is just gonna sit in the back with all the other dead posts anyways.