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About Tazzy

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  1. Tazzy

    DayZ needs more loot

    This is a good thing. This is so people don't get weapons right away. My guess is all the servers you were on, you just checked the same town, Example like Elektro, Cherno, ETC. The reason DayZ does this is so it does not make the mistake DayZ Mod private hives did, a deathmatch down south. With this method of hard weapon finding and everything of that sort, it makes people travel, and survive more, not just a deathmatch. However, check out these locations for loot: Pubs - One of the most under-rated places. Players familiar with the game, will often check this spot. Even on full pop servers, people always check the obvious buildings, police stations, fire stations, etc. The Pub, is one of the places I first look. If not looted, you can find these weapons: Mosin's, Shotgun's, SKS's, Sporter 22, Pistols, etc. You just won't find weapons like the AK or M4. Screenshot of Pubs. Military Bases - On full pop servers, these bases are very action packed. I would suggest checking them out on a low pop, where I guarantee you'll find guns and ammo. Airfields - Dangerous on Low Pop or High Pop. Would not recommend unless you have a squad, pvp, or a deathwish. General Map Of Common Places To Find High Grade Supplies (Weapons, Ammo, ETC)
  2. Tazzy


    Good luck bro, if you need any help, feel free to ask me at any time!
  3. Tazzy


    Post processing while running gave me an FPS boost, most likely only thing that worked for me. But thats just for me! I gave my friends your forum post, 2 of them said all of your options worked for them as giving them more FPS, and 1 of my other friends got a TREMENDOUS FPS Boost, he followed some of your TIPS and he said he got 30+ FPS boost. Thanks a lot bro, yes and DEFINITELY make a comprehensive guide. Probably would help many people.
  4. Tazzy


    Screw my forum post lol, listen to this guy ^^^^. Thanks for the reply bro, appreciate it a ton!
  5. Tazzy


    So I get good FPS in DayZ. I get 40-60 cities and 30 in cities. Although I was so wondering any FPS tips. I know about launch parameters and editing the config. Also if you can, screenshot your in game settings and show me how it looks and how much FPS you get. I appreciate as much replies As I can get.
  6. Tazzy


    So I get good FPS in DayZ. I get 40-60 cities and 30 in cities. Although I was so wondering any FPS tips. I know about launch parameters and editing the config. Also if you can, screenshot your in game settings and show me how it looks and how much FPS you get. I appreciate as much replies As I can get.
  7. If you guys are struggling frame rate wise, I do have a guide on this forum that should give you a 10-20 fps boost. Otherwise, here are my specs: Laptop (Alienware 14) Nvidia GT 750m 2gb Intel i7 OC'd to 3.2 GHz (I have an extra cooling pad which my laptop is on top of) 8gb Of Ram Resolution is 1366x768 I have textures on very high and modified my config which makes the game look more crisp. I get about 40-60 Fps in forest. And 30-40 Fps in big cities
  8. Tazzy

    Favorite weapon?

    HarryPotter, that is my second weapon. I have taken down a lot of geared players, and it is true, they do leave you alone and the bambis tend to help you.
  9. Tazzy

    Favorite weapon?

    I was wondering everyones favorite weapon in Standalone and why. Personally I like the Mosin as my favorite. Reason being I always liked being a sniper. Cod, Battlefield, even though those games don't portend to DayZ, I always feel like an assassin when I snipe bandits and they don't know from where. Just my personal preference. How about you guys?
  10. Tazzy


    Everyone NOTE: I never said the game was going to look amazing. It's purpose is for better performance while the game still looks decent!
  11. Okay, so I have been playing DayZ ever since the middle of 2012. I played on an Acer laptop, with Intel HD Graphics, with 1.5 GHz. With no knowing of requirements to play PC games, I thought my PC was beast. Ever since I researched a lot about computers, and came to the conclusion that I needed a gaming PC (Obviously). Well now I have one. However, it is a gaming laptop, people tend to say it is shit, but it gets the job done. It is an Alienware 14. Besides that, I have done everything there was to increase my FPS in DayZ. With it being un-optimized and still in Alpha, I understand the reasoning of the low FPS. However, I have found a way to get 35+ FPS in forest, and 25+ FPS in cities, on a FAIR to MID-RANGE PC, a really good rig will get more FPS, but someone with an really good rig, I'd doubt will be checking out this guide. By far to mid-range I mean at-least a Quad Core Processor with 2.5 GHz or higher, and an Nvidia or AMD Radeon graphics that is decent, and is up-to-date. Lets begin.... NOTE: WITH A FAIR TO MID-RANGE PC, DO NOT EXPECT TO PLAY ON ULTRA SETTINGS! THIS GUIDE IS GOING TO MAKE YOUR GAME LOOK DECENT, BUT GET YOU THE MOST FPS AS POSSIBLE! 1 - MAKE SURE YOU HAVE NO MALWARE OR ANY VIRUS ON YOUR COMPUTER! This is an obvious one, but you may be surprised what is on your computer. You may not have an Anti-Virus software on your computer, because you know what you're downloading. But I recommend to download AVG. http://free.avg.com/us-en/homepage....It is very useful and essential to removing threats and other virus or suspicious files on your computer. 2 - CLEAN OUT YOUR COMPUTER! Once a week, or every day, or every couple days, clean out your PC by deleting unnecessary files. I recommend CCLeaner as it is the best for cleaning out your PC on a day to day basis. https://www.piriform.com/ccleaner 3 - SHUT DOWN PROGRAMS THAT ARE UNNECESSARY TO HAVE OPEN! Obvious one again, but make sure you shut down those programs, that are taking up space on the CPU that you don't need to be on. For example: UTorrent, Gyazo, Photoshop, whatever is may be, shut it down if your not using it. 4 - HARD-DRIVE INFORMATION! Now it is very essential to have a lot of hard drive space. But not 1 hard-drive is enough. For PC Gaming, you might want to invest in getting an SSD, as putting recordings, games, your OS, etc onto your SSD, will increase loading times and performance. Here's some information on an SSD. http://www.cnet.com/products/samsung-ssd-850-pro/ DayZ Settings: Lets start with the config files for DayZ. 1 - Go to your search on windows 7 or 8, and type in "Documents". 2 - Click enter and click DayZ. 3 - on the DayZ.cfg File, right click it, and open with NotePad. 4 - Make sure the Max Frames Ahead and the GPU Detected Frames Ahead are set to this ---- GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=0; Q: What does this do? A: I can't tell you exactly, but the higher the number, the smoother the game but lower FPS, and we'd rather have more FPS. Now click save, and back out to where the DayZ.CFG file is. 5 - Right click "User.DayZProfile" and click open with notepad. Scroll down and you should see these 3 settings. (Forget Terrain Grid, that is controlled by the server) Screenshot. Now change "Scene Complexity" To 100000. Change "ShadowZDistance" To 100. Change "View Distance" To 1500 or 1000, I prefer more FPS so I go with 1000. Change "PreferredObjectViewDistance" to 1500. Now all together, these 3 settings, your view distance will be lower. Now you'll be able to see all of your surroundings, just things very very far away. Here's a picture. Screenshot. DayZ Video Settings: NOTE: THESE SETTINGS ARE FOR THE MOST FPS, AND DECENT QUALITY. BY DECENT QUALITY I MEAN, NICE LOOKING TREES AND TERRAIN AND BUILDINGS FROM A CLOSE DISTANCE, BUT JAGGED TREES FROM A FAR!!! Go to your Video Settings On DayZ. Go to your "User Interface" and make sure it is the same as your designated monitor resolution (Mine is 1366x768) Make Sure the % Is on 100% to get the best looked and make sure it is not blurry. Then, go to Quality. Follow These Steps: Object: Very Low. (If you have a decent enough PC Put this to Normal, if you still have FPS Issues set it to Very Low) Terrain: Very Low (Does not matter, controlled by server) Clouds: Disabled Or Very High (Did not see an FPS difference, However, it could lower your FPS a ton if your PC is not that good) Shadows: Disabled (Sure they are nice, but lower your FPS by 10-15. Your preference, I recommend 10 for best performance) Then, go to Rendering. On Rendering, make sure everything is disabled and HDR quality is very low. Then, go to Textures. Follow These Steps: Video Memory - Auto (Auto uses the most as it can) Texture Detail - Very High (So you don't get terrible quality, makes it look decent, same for Texture Filtering) Texture Filtering - Very High Now, your FPS should be increased by 10-20 FPS. I hope this guide helped on everything you need to know, and how to get the best performance on any PC! For any questions, comment on one my videos on YouTube. My YouTube name is CriticalTaz89. That is the best of contact for me. If you want my settings, copy and paste this into the button of your"User.DayZProfile"... It starts at keySuicide... keySuicide[]={87};keyHeart[]={};lastMPServer="";lastMPServerName="[WA]High LOOT LOOT LOOT!/24/7/All welcome!/PVP/PVE/Come on!";keyMilitarySalute[]={};keySitDownRelax[]={};keyCarShiftGearUp[]={18};keyCarShiftGearDown[]={16};headBob=0;floatingZoneArea=0;fov=1.3110397;mouseSensitivityX=1;mouseSensitivityY=1;sceneComplexity=100000;shadowZDistance=100;viewDistance=1000;preferredObjectViewDistance=1500;terrainGrid=12.5;volumeCD=6.5;volumeFX=8.5;volumeSpeech=5.5;volumeVoN=10;vonRecThreshold=0;gamma=2;bloom=1;rotblur=0;brightness=1.5;fovTop=0.75;fovLeft=1.3333334;uiTopLeftX=0.23750001;uiTopLeftY=0.15000001;uiBottomRightX=0.76249999;uiBottomRightY=0.85000002;IGUIScale=0.69999999; FINAL LOOK AFTER MY GUIDE: Screenshot. Screenshot. Screenshot. As you can see, everything is nice, crisp, clean, and smooth.
  12. So I recently started my YouTube channel. I upload DayZ videos daily. I do not get that much views on my videos, which is fine, YouTube is a learning experience and it takes time. But, if you guys want to look forward to entertaining videos daily, I upload every 1-3 days. Check my channel out and see for yourself! I will have very helpful tutorials, as well as a DayZ performance guide which is in the making! [snip]