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Dortmunder (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Dortmunder (DayZ)

  1. Dortmunder (DayZ)

    Freshly Killed bodies disappearing....

    Or the respawn didn't work. Happens to me sometimes. Happened to me twice today. Was playing with a friend and I had pretty much everything there is to get. Saw a guy approaching with a gun so started firing at him. He killed me but I almost killed him. My friend who had almost no gear at the time ran up and punched him to death. The respawn button wouldnt respawn me, just says "please wait". So upon logging out and back in, the bodies disappear. Same thing happened with the guy we killed. He was dead and left the server, so his body disappeared. This used to happen with the mod as well.
  2. Hey all. I've got a few questions about blood bags. I've seen some video's of people using them, but still confused about a couple things. 1. When you take blood from someone, it removes(example, no idea what real numbers would be) 5000 blood, and then the receiver of the blood bag gains 5000 blood, correct? What's the point of this then? There doesn't seem to be much benefit to this, other than bringing someone back from the brink of death at the expense of another. Or is there a slight bonus, so that there's something to gain from blood bagging? 2. How do you tell what blood type you and other people are? Is there any way to "convert" blood to your type? Or do you have to hunt someone down on the server that has your blood type :x 3. Does food regenerate health, or do you regenerate slowly over time? If food regenerates health, does anything else, like drinks?
  3. Dortmunder (DayZ)

    Standalone is an empty wasteland

    How do you do that? Just put it onto the quickbar? I tried right clicking some clothing to try that but didn't work :( The unconcious screen is pretty lame as well. No indication if you're ever waking up. I just said fk it both times after about 5m and restarted :p
  4. Dortmunder (DayZ)

    Standalone is an empty wasteland

    I found a bunch of stuff. Some small backpacks, a couple big ones. Lots of rotten food(which I ate and assume killed me later). Bunch of tools and a couple pistols with no ammo. Killed around 10 zombies, and ran into another player that pointed her gun at me while I strafed away staring at each other with narrowed eyes... Died to bleeding because I couldn't find a bandage anywhere. Found a medkit with stuff in it later. But died to "feeling sick", probably bad food or something. Overall I'm not too impressed with the Standalone. All the different clothing/backpacks etc. are pretty cool. Different clothing holding more gear. But it seems like a big step backwards from what the mod and additional mods already has. Feels a lot clunkier to me, which is ridiculous because Arma2/DayZ was already the clunkiest game I've played in a long time. Not a big fan of the new UI either :p I'll give it some more time though.
  5. Ah, I thought .ST rolled out the updates. Didn't think the admins had a choice. Guess I'll have to wait. Unless someone knows where older versions of Epoch can be found?
  6. I'm curious as to when the .ST Epoch servers will be updated. I play on one, and use PlayWithSix. Six updated to the latest version, but the servers havent, so I can't play. No help on the official Epoch forums as to getting older versions of the files. Does anyone know where I can get the current client files for .ST Epoch?
  7. Dortmunder (DayZ)

    Epoch help

    Hey guys, maybe one of you can help me. I'm new to Epoch, and having trouble figuring out the fuel station/generator thing :p I've landed a helicopter next to a gas station, placed a portable generator, started the generator... but can't figure out how to refuel the helicopter. Do I need another part? Like some sort of fuel line? The generator is next to the fuel tank, and the heli is about 10m from that. Does it need to be next to the fuel pumps or something instead?
  8. Dortmunder (DayZ)

    Epoch help

    Alright, thanks. I'll see if I can find/make a fuel pump somewhere :p
  9. Dortmunder (DayZ)

    where should we spawn in standalone?

    Random, with some sort of algorithm that makes sure you're say, 1km from any player. So it picks a spawn spot, checks player locations around that spot, if anyone is around(within predetermined distance) it recalculates the location and tries again.
  10. Dortmunder (DayZ)

    Animals more or less gone?

    I see animals all the time. Just never when I need one.
  11. Great! I tried to play a few times this morning but couldn't. Will be on tonight a bit fore sure :P And yeah, I always park my vehicle a bit away from what I'm looting. Or park it near then run away a bit so loot spawns. No worries, I like it when most stuff is hard to find :P
  12. Dortmunder (DayZ)

    1.7.* Infection WIP Update

    12000 blood 3 blood per second 4000 seconds You can survive just over an hour while infected. If you took no damage prior to becoming infected. Your definition of ages differs from mine. Basically you're saying if you scavenge for canned food and go hunting all day, you might get lucky and find antibiotics. Chances are you're going to die of infection anyways. All you did was spend hours eating.
  13. Dortmunder (DayZ)

    1.7.* Infection WIP Update

    I can't say that I am a fan of the infection rate at the moment. I think I have only come across 2-3 antibiotics, and that's checking all hospitals on the map, and even loot cycling a couple once or twice, something I try to avoid. Tried the tent cure as well. I was in a bind, nearly dead and found a tent, so placed it(behind Berezino hospital, near the static tent) and tried to rest at it, over and over. After about 20 tries a zombie came along and ate me. Seems like *every* hit from a zombie infects you, even if you just took Antibiotics, which is moronic. Some ideas I would like to see is say a 10% chance to cure the infection when using Morphine, Epi-Pens, Bandages, Blood Bags etc. Any medical item could have a decent chance at fixing you up. I can generally play for hours without getting hit by a zombie, but sometimes you just get unlucky with a glitch punch and such. If it happens a couple times in a row you're probably just dead since fixing it is often impossible.
  14. I've been playing here a bit, pretty solid. The infection bug is putting me off though, I haven't played in a while, and came back to that >< I noticed loot not spawning in some places. Not sure if I was just unlucky or what. For instance, I went to the Factory near Polana and the only loot I found through the whole main building and smaller buildings around it was 1 sandbag :( Edit: Seems to be a problem with the server at the moment. Can't get into it.
  15. Dortmunder (DayZ)

    Your "Revenge is so sweet" story?

    Pretty boring to watch, but: http://www.twitch.tv/dortmunder98/c/1478553 I was pretty new to the game at the time :P
  16. Dortmunder (DayZ)

    Is this abuse of store-looting allowed?

    If I was gonna farm a market I would loot cycle it. Not server hop, lol. Pretty lame though. Why even play?
  17. So, dancing in front of someone who can just shoot you in the face or axe you is "trolling". Maybe if it was an invincible hacker, I would agree.
  18. Cool. I'll have to check it out sometime.
  19. You spelled should wrong :P How many vehicles etc? I'm looking for a decent vanilla type server that has players on it. Thought I found one but it looks like they may not be keeping it up ><
  20. Yeah, because douches running around with weapons killing every person they see isn't silly either. Most people wouldn't play zombies, but it would be interesting. Zombies pretty much are trolls, just spectacularly bad at it. I'm standing next to you in a bush but you can't hit me! My immersion, it's broken.
  21. Playing as a zombie should be an option.
  22. Sounds like a cool server. Tried connecting, didn't work :( Nevermind, working now. Where in Alberta is the server hosted? I'm in Sherwood Park.
  23. I used DayZ.ST for a while, had no problems with them. They have some good features too. Only closed down my server because no one was playing it. This was a couple months ago though, so they could be doing poorly now.
  24. Dortmunder (DayZ)

    What my friend learnt about helicopters in dayz

    Apparently parachuting out of a heli that's flying close enough to shave someone's head off is safe?
  25. Dortmunder (DayZ)

    Best Place To Hide Your Base In DayZ

    Inside a rock. I win.