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Dortmunder (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Dortmunder (DayZ)

  1. Yeah, I saw those options when I was in there checking out the set vehicle spawn stuff. The options are greyed out for me though, doesn't let me use them. Also, how do you set up a whitelist for your servers?
  2. Is there somewhere I can go to learn how to add buildings using that tool? Also, is there a way to remove static buildings from the current map using that tool?
  3. No other way? I have no idea how the phpMyAdmin thing works. I'm playing with it now. Figuring out how to set min/max vehicles etc. Pretty confusing for someone who hasn't done this stuff before :P
  4. How would I go about hosting a customized Chernarus map on your server? I want to mod Chernarus a bit, add/remove buildings. Not huge changes, but some stuff. Is that possible somehow? Also, from the control panel the max vehicle limit is 25, and I can't seem to change it.
  5. Dortmunder (DayZ)

    How to edit map?

    I have heard, and even seen some videos where people come across parts of the map that have been edited. Buildings added etc. I am probably going to be hosting a server, and would like to edit the Chernarus map a bit, customize it some to make it a little different. Does anyone have any links or guides on how to do this? I saw a post on here recently and can't seem to find it now, where someone had posted screenshots of changes they have made.
  6. Dortmunder (DayZ)

    How to edit map?

    Can you link the one you used? I found one but it didn't seem to explain how to remove current buildings. Whenever I go in I am stuck in like a prone view, can't figure out how to elevate myself to a higher view. I basically want to remove some buildings in towns, or remove towns completely, and add buildings where I like. I managed to add a few buildings here and there just messing around quickly, but got a little frustrated with the view. Do the buildings automatically have zombie/loot spawns when you place them? Also, how do you modify loot spawns/zombie spawns and such. I've heard people changing zombie behavior to make them harder too, can you do that in the map editor as well or is that some scripting you need to figure out?
  7. Dortmunder (DayZ)

    Looking For a Server

    I'm working on a server that will be application/whitelist/invite only. It may not be up for a week or so though, as I am trying to figure out how to mod the Chernarus map a bit to add a little flavour to it. Send me a PM if you're interested and I will let you know when it's up and running. There will be a zero tolerance to cheating. But I can't guarantee the odd cheater wont get on, so if that happens I won't be "reimbursing" lost items and vehicles etc.
  8. Dortmunder (DayZ)

    What a crappy day in DayZ

    So I was playing(starting fresh, because died to hacks on another server), and I couldn't even play 10 minutes on multiple servers without getting screwed. The last one of these seemed to be one of my viewers, or his friend, as he claimed. http://www.twitch.tv/dortmunder98/b/335032125 http://www.twitch.tv/dortmunder98/b/335032313 http://www.twitch.tv/dortmunder98/b/335032605 I really hope the standalone version has some better cheat protection, because it sucks. Anyone know a good private hive server that's passworded(still against the rules? derp) that I can apply for access to? Because I want to play, but getting killed at least once every day by hacks is getting old.
  9. Doesn't work for me. I'm stuck right now pretty much. Every time I log in I can't see shit. The doorway I need to go is toward whatever is causing the graphical glitching. If I look even remotely in that direction my screen is just full of garbage.
  10. Dortmunder (DayZ)

    Scumbag move?

    Full group of people wearing ghillie suits? Deserve to die imo :P
  11. Dortmunder (DayZ)


    If you spawn near Cherno, make a quick run through to find some gear. Then leave immediately. This goes for any big city. I've made this mistake multiple times. Get to the point where I am like, sweet, almost got everything I need, but damn, one certain item would be sweet then I will leave. Get shot, die, and say I should have left earlier. You should always survey a town from a distance too, see if there's any zombies spawned. If not then you can make a quick run in to the hot item locations and be fairly sure that no one is around.
  12. Dortmunder (DayZ)

    What happened here?

    A couple friends and I were playing, I was clearing out an apartment building in Cherno, near the NW hospital. After going through the building I started to head out, and found an M4whatever Silence at the bottom of the steps. Picked it up with ammo etc. One of my friends was currently without a gun, and they were both close so they started heading to me. I started hearing gunfire to my right, probably the next apartment over, then footsteps. I was watching the doorway preparing to shoot anyone coming in to protect the weapon. Then I got shot from somewhere, I never saw the guy. My friends got there, didn't see anyone. I proceeded to respawn. But I loaded in with a "different save" which seems to happen on some servers, like having a second character. After looking around for a few seconds, trying to figure out where I was(I'd never been wherever I spawned) I was teleported to where I just died. Went inside, and we messed around for a bit, looking for the guy who shot me. Then we started to head out and I got shot again by someone I couldn't see. Then both my friends were killed as well. One of them put 5-10 shots in the person with an AK but still died. Whoever he shot never died. Just wondering if this has happened to anyone else. I don't remember the server name but could look it up on the recording. Was it just a bug, or was an admin being an ass? Or some hacker able to teleport people around etc.
  13. Dortmunder (DayZ)

    What happened here?

    What was the large explosion sound in the second clip? Anyone know?
  14. Dortmunder (DayZ)

    What happened here?

    This is the first clip(twitch split it up at 2 hours, so I couldn't make it one clip). It's just us going up to the roof. http://www.twitch.tv/dortmunder98/b/326714076 Second clip is us on the roof, the large explosion, then us going back down stairs where we all died. http://www.twitch.tv/dortmunder98/b/326714207
  15. Dortmunder (DayZ)

    What happened here?

    I'm highlighting what happened after this video too, will post when they are done. It shows us going onto the roof then also coming down. There's some huge explosion sound coming from deeper in Cherno as well, which surprised us all. So there's some odd stuff going on besides what happens to us. But yeah, each floor seems to have a balcony, though not very long. Just something you can walk out on and see the street etc.
  16. Dortmunder (DayZ)

    What happened here?

    So there's a second entrance to those apartment buildings? I searched the whole thing a few minutes prior to this video, the only other way out is the rooftop. That I have seen anyways. The one I was in was the one in the middle if you're ever there. There's no rooms except a couple flights of stairs up, so I would have seen him come down the steps. There was wall behind me, that's it.
  17. Dortmunder (DayZ)

    "battleye initialization failed"

    Not really trying to fix it myself. If it was just something I needed to update I would, but I don't think it's on my end. I don't reinstall games fully to fix something that went wrong by patching unless it's a last resort or it never installed correctly to start with. I used their auto-patcher deal and can't log into a server. I'm sure they will get it fixed, I'll just try again later :D
  18. Dortmunder (DayZ)

    "battleye initialization failed"

    Same issue here. Can't get on any servers.
  19. Dortmunder (DayZ)

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    I'm throwing money at my monitor but nothing is happening. I want the 2nd one, show me where.
  20. Making another profile doesn't work eh? I have 2 profiles but I never checked to see if it separates your characters at all. My guess it doesn't since this thread exists :p
  21. Dortmunder (DayZ)

    Sickness in DayZ

    Did his temperature raise? Might have to use a heatpack before you use antibiotics.
  22. Dortmunder (DayZ)

    Lee Enfield has to be cursed

    Firing the Lee Enfield is bloody suicide. Unless you have nearly endless ammo :p
  23. Dortmunder (DayZ)

    Revenge Killing!

    A friend and I found a motorbike parked near the Power Plant in Elektro last night. We scouted around for 10 minutes looking for the owner. I tried to drive it but I assume it was out of gas. The owner must have gone off to find some fuel. This is what happened when we decided to go check out the hospital etc. and maybe find a Jerry Can to fuel it up and go for a ride. It's a 15m video, with almost no action besides the start and end. It took me 15 minutes to find the guy, lol. I'm surprised he didn't kill me too, he should have had me.
  24. Is the Torch the Flashlight? That's what I always start with now. I really don't mind how it is now, but I wouldn't complain if you could hold a gun and a flashlight, sorta like you see cops do in movies sometimes. Cross armed. What really bothers me is the night/day cycle. The real-time is cool, but if you only get to play at night, that's all you ever see. A sped up cycle would be awesome. With more aggressive zombies at night, forcing the player to avoid towns at night, hide in shelter if in town, or stand and fight if they insist on moving through town at night. Something like 1-2 hours day, 1-2 hours night would be pretty cool.