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About TikTac'tical

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. TikTac'tical

    Are you guys friendly?

  2. TikTac'tical

    A Funny Adventure! :)

  3. TikTac'tical

    FRIENDLY? - DayZ

    Hello there survivors! Just wanted to share my video, hopefully you'll enjoy! http://youtu.be/w2EvxNVy9SI?a
  4. TikTac'tical

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Hah, yeah. I love killing zombies with my silenced pistols aswell. It does feel cool :)
  5. TikTac'tical

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Okay thanks for the response, I do still find it pretty weird that I have never seen it before now with my over 1100 hours in the game. I do play quite a bit and I'm pretty sure I would've found a "normal" weapon like this durring that time. BUt anyway you were very helpful thanks! :)
  6. TikTac'tical

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    So, I've been playing quite a lot of DayZ lately (as always lol) and I went into a deer stand north of Cherno and I found a "Flanged Mace" now I have never seen this weapon before so I expected to have been added in the .55 update. But it doesn't say on the changelog or the undocumented on the DayZ Wiki. can anyone explain when this weapon has been added, because I haven't heard anything about it. here's a screenshot of the mace http://steamcommunity.com/id/Warbonnet/screenshot/46501488055321997