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About sobakaa

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  1. Can we please forget about "how it is in real life"? In real life i can drink water from a lake, i can create a fireplace without a hatchet, i cannot make a fire in a field during rain, i cannot gut animal in 5 seconds with a knife and get only 5 pieces of meat. Do you understand that this game is as close to reality as Call of Duty of Mass Effect? As for the morphing - i played Day Z when morphing was there, i play it now. And i will play it for some time in the future, i hope. I know one guy who left the game because of this change, but he was never whining about it, and i respect his decision. So, have some patience and wait while we have lots of open issues with the game. I'm sure rocket will find some way to do this better then it's now.
  2. I wish i was in Canada now. Kind of in the mood to kick some ass, you know.
  3. sobakaa

    To DayZ Staff

    Sure, why not donate $1-$10? $50 seems a bit over the top now, but that's just me being a hobo.
  4. sobakaa

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    You can hide body but flies would remain. It really annoys me.
  5. You bought arma2, so go whine on BIS forums.
  6. It's not fun, i'm just surprised. Never had a situation when i would be without matches. Meat is so much more delicious than beans.I'm sure rocket messed with a loot table when he was fixing it, so a quick fix for the fix will fix this. Well, lets see. ArmaII has no melee system. So, you won't get anything like L4D or Warband or Rune or any other slasher.And apart from that, just imagine yourself trying to kill uber-fast uber-strong something with your hands. I'd prefer not even try. Shoot or run.
  7. Go kill some animal. Or a survivor. It's obviously a bug and will be fixed probably today, as some shit happened to spawn table, so you can wait for rocket's reply.
  8. WE ARE TESTERS, MAN. THIS IS ALPHA. Hell, how you can be so retarded. Day Z gotten huge amount of FUCKING TESTERS. So go there and test this shit. Yuo can log in to the servers? Yes. You can move ingame? Yes. You can kill/be killed? Yes. Go there and test this shit. It's playable, just not polished and harder than it was yesterday. If it's too hard - wait for a new patch. What $$$? Have you paid for the mod? Jesus...
  9. LOLWUT?You mean you actually heal yourself with beans? Use meat for this, man. And as far as i know spawn rates of animals are as they were. And talking about realism, there is nothing realistic in healing yourself with food or blood.
  10. Well, lack of food is a good thing. I hope it would stay similar to this - not NO FOOD mode, just much-much-much more less of it. Same goes for water. For now the main purpose of my group will be not pvp, but hunting and securing large amounts of water in case of we are far away from lakes. And i must say it's fun.
  11. sobakaa

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    Why so? Just because i wished someone to die in pain? It's normal practice, i think. That's what forums are for after all :)
  12. sobakaa

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    Indeed you are. So, make it easier for carebears like you to play? LOL. That's why you are casual, my CoD friend. Oh, i'm sooo sorry, carebear, that ir's hard to go loot those delicious barracks.As a conclusion - please, die.
  13. sobakaa

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    LOL. So much of those delicious tears. I hope the only two bugs of this patch are infinite zombies and ridiculous eagle vision. I would prefer slightly lower distance for zombies to see you - or just to be able to stay in cover from bushes, trees and high grass. Otherwise - update is great. Zombie survival with pvp, not CoD with zombies. Thanks, rocket, you made my day.