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Everything posted by DrCoochie

  1. DrCoochie

    Frequency out of range

    Hello, Im sorta new to the game got to play a few times, love it!! But.. Here lately ive been getting a frequency out of range where i have to restart my computer to fix it, any idea how to fix this?
  2. DrCoochie

    Frequency out of range

    I did, it got me to the main menu of DayZ, then about 3 seconds later it shut down and went to the frequency out of range again. But, I guess me getting to the main menu is progress, so im still messing around with the list all modes and seeing what i can do, just time consuming since i have to restart my computer every time I get the "frequency out of range" message.
  3. DrCoochie

    Frequency out of range

    Seems like this is a pretty consistent problem, or the game just not working at all anymore.
  4. DrCoochie

    Frequency out of range

    cant believe none is replying..
  5. DrCoochie

    Frequency out of range
