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About Johvelo

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    On the Coast
  1. Johvelo

    Few more or less viable ideas

    Exploding gas stoves One thing i'd like to see in dayz is gas stoves exploding if you shoot them while they are turned on. Imagine putting one in the middle of Elektro, lighting it on fire, hiding in a bush with mosin and then exploding it when someone is close enough to get their face burnt. Emptying fire extinguisher Either by shooting it to cause a leak, or using it as fire extinguishers are used. This would allow creating white clouds and you could vanish like a batman in the night. Akimbo Why can't you wield two pistols simultaneously? This would make them more desired weapons. If you could merge two pistols to be one item, wielding them wouldn't require huge changes to the current weapon wielding system. Endgame sniper rifle One gun. The ultimate "youwonthegame" weapon. Something like Barrett M82 or or any other gun using .50 BMG 12.7×99mm NATO ammo. It would be most rare thing in the game, but could spawn in every military area, helicrash site or prison so it wouldn't cause severe server hopping in one particular place. I'm sure i've had more things in my mind earlier but i never wrote them down..